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Journal of Guizhou Ethnic Institute(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
2015 Issue 5
On the Fricative Initial "γh" in the Shui Language
WANG Bingjiang;
On "Wenzu" in "Shun Dictionary"
LEI Xinhan;
Neural Cognitive Construal of Grammatical Categories in Chinese
DING Yuzao;,WAN zhenghui;,CHEN Baoya;
Analysis of Epistemic Issues and Group Knowledge
DONG Yingdong;
Features of Japan's Criminal Law
Hirano Ryuichi;,LI Hong;
On Factors Affecting Criminal Case Identification
Oral Epics Today: Death, Survival and Change
Karl Reichl;,CHEN Tingting;
Oral Poetics, Oral Tradition and Oral Norms
GAO Hehong;