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Journal of Guangzhou Universty(Social Scinece Edition)
2005 Issue 1
A summary of the studies on T.V.Soong
CHEN Yong-xiang
On the non-linear logical structure of TV culture
HU Xiao
On Marx's practical view of nature of organic theory
An exploration of disadvantaged groups
HU Yi-an
Socialist market economy and moral norms
LI Ming
Business scope of medium & small-sized financial institutions
PENG Jian-gang;LI Jin-jie;ZHOU Hong-Wei
An analysis of the credit system of licensed accountants
TAO Shui-lian
Mordernity and Post-mordernity in consumer society
The film narrative characteristic of The tell-tale heart
ZHANG Shi-jun
Awareness of cross-culture in the context of globalization
LI Yu-qing
The influence of computer and network on college students
CAI Xing-yong