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Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics
2010 Issue 5
Stress Analysis on Hinge Sleeve and Cylinder of China-Type Cubic-Anvil High Pressure Apparatus under High Pressure
ZHANG Cong;MA Hong-An;HAN Qi-Gang;LI Zhan-Chang;JIA Xiao-Peng
Experimental Research on Propergation of Failure Wave in Glass
ZHANG Yan-Geng;DUAN Zhuo-Ping;ZHANG Lian-Sheng;OU Zhuo-Cheng;HUANG Feng-Lei
Influence of B4C Content in the Iron-Based Catalyst on the Apparent Activation Energy of Boron-Doped Diamond Single Crystals
ZHANG Yuan-Pei1;2;LI He-Sheng1;2;TIAN Bin1;2;QI Yong-Xin1;2;LIU Lei1;2;LI Mu-Sen1;2;Shandong University;Jinan 250061;China;2.Shandong Engineering Research Centre forSuperhard Materials;Zoucheng 273500;China)
Simulation on Head-on Bulging Dynamic Behavior of Lead Flyer with SPH Method
YUAN Shuai;HU Hai-Bo;ZHANG Chong-Yu;LI Ping
Investigation on Applicability of Shock Similar Law for Underwater Explosion of Aluminiferous Explosive
ZHAO Ji-Bo;TAN Duo-Wang;LI Jin-He;GONG Yan-Qing;SUN Yong-Qiang
Study on Nanometerization of Titania Grain during Transformation under Planar Shock Wave
LI Hou-Shen1;YANG Shi-Yuan1;2;XIANG Yun1;CAI Ling-Cang2;WANG Jun-Xia1
Dynamic Response Characteristics of Ship-Like Beam Subjected to Underwater Explosion in Near Field
ZHU Xi;LI Hai-Tao;MU Jin-Lei;HUANG Xiao-Ming
PVDF Stress Gauges Dynamic Stress Measurement and Its Application to SHPB Experiment for Rubber Materials
PANG Bao-Jun;YANG Zhen-Qi;WANG Li-Wen;CHI Run-Qiang
Experimental Study on Explosive Compaction of W-Cu Nanocomposites
LI Xiao-Jie;WANG Zhan-Lei;YAN Hong-Hao;WANG Xiao-Hong;ZHANG Yue-Ju
Simulation Analysis on Law of Penetration of Long-Rod Projectiles with High Speed into Concrete
LIAN Bing1;2;JIANG Jian-Wei1;MEN Jian-Bing1;WANG Shu-You1