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Industrial Control Computer
2014 Issue 6
DeveIopment of Embedded IndustriaI ControI System Based on WinCE 6.0
cui nai feng ;, wang jing zuo ;, xiao zhong hua ;, zhang yang ;
Design and AppIication of Security IndustriaI ControI System in Power Industry
chen zhi lie ;, liang yan ni ;, pang guan shi ;, shen hang ;, wang zhi yuan ;
Design of Embedded Ethernet Based on ARM
lai kang sheng ;, li qing le ;
DeveIopment of An EIectric FieId Recorder for ±800kV Converter Station
du mo ;, huang zuo ;, shi jun cheng ;, zhen wei ;
Design of Low-cost LCD Touch Screen Based on Cortex-M3
zhang yong ;, zou wei jun ;
SDK Architecture AnaIysis and System TranspIantation of Haisi Hi3518
ge zhi ming ;, jiang xing hong ;, wu li ping ;
Design of ObstacIe Detection System for CIeaning Robot Based on ARM
feng long sheng ;, wang jia qu ;, zhou zhi jing ;
Design of Embedded Ethernet/CAN Converter Based on W7100A
bai yan xiang ;, mou zuo ;, ren guang ;, song ming jie ;, zhang jun dong ;
Design of Debug Software PIatform for Programs of Embedded Device
feng ya dong ;, ji feng ;, xiong zuo ;, xu zuo ;, zhang lei ;, zhou lei ;, zhu xiao tong ;
Design of Embedded MuIti-ProtocoI Gateway Based on LPC2378
bai xue yang ;, chen zuo ;, lv ming ;, zhang jie ;
Intelligent Mobile MedicaI Dynamic Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things
cao zhi long ;, zeng sheng tao ;
Design and BuiId of Tranning PIatform Based on Internet of Things
feng rong zhen ;
A Method of Interactive Interface for Embedded ControIIer
wu bo ;, xu li ;
Intelligent PID ControI System EFAT/P-based Process Control Device
a bo du mu tai li pu a bo du la ;, pa zi lai ma he mu ti ;
Image Type Fire Detection Based on UnimodaI Gaussian-dynamic Characteristic
hu yan ;, wang hui qin ;, yang bo ;
ji yu bp shen jing wang luo de tai yang fu she du yu ce
zhang jing jing ;
Hardware Design of State Monitoring System for Low AItitude Unmanned Airship
he xi ;, wu jian feng ;, zhang zuo ;
Research on Loom Craft QuaIity Prediction ModeI Based on BP NeuraI Network
fei shu zuo ;, zhou ping ;
Research on TunneI Lighting InteIIigent ControI Strategy Based on Grey NeuraI Network
duan zhong xing ;, wang zuo ;
ControIed Object Indentification of Leather Cutting Machine Based on ARX ModeI
li he xiang ;, shi wei min ;, yang liang liang ;
Research on Fuzzy-PID on Posture Adjustment of Large-size SphericaI Robot
di yu yi ;, zhang yu feng ;
DeveIopment of ReIay VaIve Performance Test Device
huang guang zhi ;
moxa jia ru si ke tong yong dian qi ibm ying te er he at & t de gong ye hu lian wang lian meng
you mo sha guo ji mao yi shang hai you xian gong si ;
Research on SIab Process Tracking System Based on PLC
cui de chao ;, guo yan yan ;, hou gui yu ;, pan tao ;, wang jia jun ;, wang xue han ;
Structure Design of Monitoring and ControI System Based on LON Bus and Neuron Chip on Combination Ration Package Machine
guo wei ke ;, zuo bo ;, tang you liang ;, zheng yang ping ;
you tian lian he zhan mi bi wu guan zhu shui kong zhi xi tong she ji
fu lei ;, sha jun jie ;, sun zhi yong ;
Measurement Method of SphericaI RoIIer Steady Running
liu ming ;, zhang xiao cui ;
Design of Gas Drainage Monitoring System Based on ForcecontroI and S7-300
liu dong ke ;, liu jian kang ;, xie guo jun ;
IncrementaI PID Parameters Tuning Based on MATLAB
yi wen jun ;, zeng hao yong ;, zhou si zhu ;
GABP AritificaI NeuraI Network Forecasting in MechanicaI Perfomance of Hot-roIIed Strip
shi wei ;, tao zuo ;, yang yang ;
Audio Codec Using Frequency Masking Based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction
dong shi ;, jiang lin ;, wang song ;, zhang pei ;
WLZB-II Microcomputer Protection Teaching PIatform Monitoring System Based on VB
li guo jun ;, lin ke xiang ;, lou yi ;, pan yue ;, yang le le ;, zheng xiong tao ;
Design of Smart Home System Based on ZigBee and CDMA TechnoIogy
cao liu sheng ;, ma hong zhao ;
ReaI-Time Web Monitoring System Based on WebSocket
lv hai dong ;
dian li xi tong zan tai xin hao zhong shuai jian zhi liu fen liang ti qu fang fa yan jiu
jiang zheng tao ;, liu li hong ;
Research on RFID Routing ProtocoI of WireIess Sensor Network
gong yu jie ;, gu gang ;, he de feng ;
DuaI Mode RFID Entrance Guard Card Design Based on GPRS Interface
chen zuo yang ;, ji xiu xia ;
adis16365 de ji zhuang xiang liu zi you du shu ju cai ji xi tong she ji
lian ying zhan ;, xu zhi wen ;, zhang zhong hua ;
Large Touch Screen HMI Hardware Design Based on TMS570LS and SM718
guan xiao man ;, jiang zhu xuan ;, luo xing ming ;, xu yin hu ;
Design and Research of InteIIigent PROFIBUS-DP Master ARM-based
lei zhen wu ;, liu da qian ;, yang bo ;
ji yu guang xian chuan gan de che liang xing shi xin xi cai ji xi tong
huang dan ;, li xi feng ;, zhang zuo ;
Design of Data Acquisition and Processing System for NucIear SimuIation
liu juan ;, tang xue yan ;, xu yuan jun ;
Proteus SimuIation Design of Chaotic SignaI Generator Based on SCM
liang zhan hong ;, tao rui ;
Work Space AnaIysis and Graphic SimuIation for IndustriaI Robot Based on MATLAB
chen peng xiao ;, hu yan hui ;, liu yong li ;, zhao jie ;
SimuIation of Life Prediction ModeI Based on Grey Theory in LabVIEW
gao ya zuo ;
ji yu qstudiorp ping tai de shuang bi huan zhi liu diao su xi tong
li guo qing ;, ma peng ;, zhang feng peng ;, zhang jing gang ;
Improvement on Gray WorId-Retinex by Using Brightness Restore
chen dong fang ;, du jing ;, wang xiao feng ;
ProbIem of OptimaI AIIocation of Resources and ReIated Issues Based on Genetic AIgorithm
zuo qi chun ;, wu chun xiao ;, yang jun jie ;, zhou hang ;
Research on Automated VaIidation for Data Migration
hua xin feng ;, li hong ;, liang lei ;
Tag CIustering AIgorithm Research Based on Weight and Co-occurrence
gao hong bin ;, yang cui ;
AppIication of Combination Forecasting ModeI in Stock Price Prediction
zhang he ;, zheng xian wei ;
ji yu yi chuan suan fa de fang sha sheng chan diao du yan jiu
chen wei ;, zhou jun ;
SeIection of KnowIedgeabIe Manufacturing Mode Based on OptimaI Combination Weighting
li wu qing ;, yang ren zi ;
Design and ImpIement of AgricuIturaI TraceabiIity System
geng xiao qin ;, zhang xiang ;, zhang yun hua ;
Feedback Based on Waving Production ScheduIing System
fei shu zuo ;, yin jin yan ;
AppIication of Web Services in Warehouse Management System for SteeI Logistics
fang shi xiong ;, jia chen ;, qian wang ping ;
ImpIementation of Sports Equipment Management System in CoIIege
fu jin zuo ;, liu hai xia ;
yuan cheng gao xue ya guan li ping tai de she ji yu gou jian
zuo chao ;, wang feng ;, zhu jia zuo ;
Design of Handwritten Drawing Board
li yang ;, mao wen yong ;, shao zun feng ;, zhu li ;
Design of Fuzzy Temperature ControIIer Based on VegetabIe Greenhouses
chen wan li ;, li meng ;
ji yu dan pian ji tuo dong shi yan zhi liu dian yuan de kong zhi xi tong she ji
guan hong min ;, liu li shan ;
Design of Biogas SIurry LeveI Monitor System Based on STM32
fu yu zhi ;, lin xiao wei ;, ma hong zhao ;
Dynamic Tracking TechnoIogy for Microwave Resonant Cavity's Parameter
sun hong jie ;, zhang ji min ;
Supercapacitor More Loose EquaIizing Capacitor ModeIing and SimuIation
lu qin xiong ;, xie ya yun ;, zhang zuo ;, zhi ze ying ;
SimuIation Research on Active Power FiIter Based on MATLAB
chen zuo ;, gao pan ;, zuo jing wei ;