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Industrial Engineering and Management
2015 Issue 1
The Review of Cloud Manufacturing Theory,Technologies and Application States
QI Er-shi;,LI Tian-bo;,LIU Liang;,Huang Yi-min;
Promotion Opportunity Stagnation and Job Performance:the Mediating---Role of Intrinsic Motivation and Perceived Insider Status
LIAO Jian-qiao;,JING Zhen-si;,LIU Wen-xing;,WANG Xing-dong;
Model of Two-stage Reverse Logistics Network Design of Fourth-party Logistics Based on CVaR
WANG Dao-ping;,DU Hai-lei;,YANG Cen;
Optimization of Cost-Fee Contract for Engineering Proj ects under Risk Preference of Contractor
ZHANG Xiu-dong;,ZHENG Qi;,WANG Ji-ming;
Research on the Methodology of Reconfigurable Facility Layout under the U-shaped Production Cell
DING Xiang-hai;,ZHA Wen;,XU Shuang-yan;
A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window
DONG Rui;,LIU Ran;,JIANG Zhi-bin;,REN Pan;
Supplier Integration and Company Performance:the Moderating Effect of IT Capability
XU De-hui;,FENG Tai-wen;,ZHAO Gang;
Task Allocation Problem of Collaborative Medical in Regional Healthcare Association
ZHANG Li-j iang;,LIU Zi-xian;
Simulation and Optimization in CT Examination Appointment Considering the Situation of Unpunctual Patients
LUO Li;,SHEN Xiao-j un;,YAN Xue-yong;,CHEN Xian;,GUO Hui-li;
Research on Job Satisfaction Evaluation of Reserved Medical Staff
LI Cong-shuang;,LIU Peng;,CHEN Han;,YU Xin;,LUAN Ting-ting;,WANG Shan-shan;,ZHAO Hang;
The Effects of Government Subsidies on Remanufacturing in the Nash Market
ZHAO Xiao-min;,XU Yang-yang;,LIN Ying-hui;
Production and Coordination in a Closed-loop Supply Chain with a Dominant Retailer under Costs Disruptions
HAN Xiao-hua;,YANG Qian-xia;,HOU Rui;
Research on Dual-channel Supply Chain Coordination of Drop Shipping by the Retailer
ZHANG Guang-ming;,ZHAO Shi-nan;
Anesthesia Risk Assessment Based on Vague Set and Fault Tree Analysis
LIU Zi-xian;,YUAN Jie;
Research on Multi-obj ective Optimization for Fresh Agricultural Products VRP Problem
SHAO Ju-ping;,CAO Qian;,SHEN Min-yan;,SUN Yan-an;
Operator′s Cognitive Activities and Errors Analysis in Nuclear Power Plants
LI Peng-cheng;,ZHANG Li;,DAI Li-cao;,ZHAO Ming;
Application of DFSS in Typical Military Enterprise of the USA and Its Enlightenments
CAI Feng;,MA Zhao;,MENG Chang;,ZHAO Bing;
Study of Incentive Mechanism for War Material Option Reserve
WANG Hai-lan;,ZHAO Dao-zhi;
Research of E-commerce Websites Navigation Design Considering Users’Cognition
CAO Ya-qin;,GUO Fu;,LIU Wei-lin;