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GX Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering
2014 Issue 4
Variation characteristics of pan evaporation at Nanning Meteorological Station and analysis of causes
LI Da-yang;,MIAO Hao-chuan;,XIANG Chun-xue;,ZHONG Ming;
Application of ARIMA model in annual precipitation forecasting of Tiandong County
KANG Yong-hui;,WANG Bao-hong;
Common trouble shooting of YAC9900 multipath telemetry terminal
SUN Xiang-yan;
Surge tank design of Dapein(I)Hydropower Project in Myanmar
XU Wen-yang;
Study of surface water arsenic and selenium determination with atomic fluorescence photometer
DENG Jian-ming;,MA Jie-jian;,PAN Zhi-liu;
Soil erosion evolution trends of Guangxi and analysis of causes
LIANG Gang-yi;
Vibration aging treatment of hydraulic steel gate