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Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
2014 Issue 2
An Evaluation Method of Riding Comfort of Road Alignment with Acceleration Change
HUANG Yan-guo;,KUANG Xian-yan;,LUO Qiang;,XU Lun-hui;
Effect of Nick in Pressure Bar on Measure of Reflected Pressure
HU Ba-yi;,HU Mei-e;,YI Chen-hong;
The Algorithm of Identifying the Front Side of Bamboo Based on BP Neural Network
JIANG Pin-qun;,SONG Shu-xiang;,WANG Dong-xu;
An Edge Detection Algorithm of Noisy Image Based on NSCT
HUA Ze-xi;,HUA Zi-zheng;
Left Ventricle MRI Segmentation Based on Developed Dynamic Programming
HU Huai-fei;,LI Bo;,XU Sheng-zhou;,XU Xiang-yang;
The Internet of Things with Knowledge Service Functionality
LIAO Yuan-xiu;,QIN Shao-hua;,ZHOU Sheng-ming;
Optimum Software Release Based on G-O Model and VaR Constraint
DONG Ming-gang;,TAN Hong-jian;,YANG Ya-hui;
Synergistic Effect of Isopropyl Alcohol and Oxidant in Silicon Wet Etching with TMAH Etchant
CHEN Dong;,LIANG Jin-tao;,LIU Shi-bin;
CSS-Quasinormal Subgroups and p-Nilpotency of Finite Groups
JIANG Qing-zhi;,WU Yong;,ZHANG Xiao-fang;,ZHONG Xiang-gui;
On Some Sufficent Conditions of p-Nilpotency of Finite Groups
LU Jia-kuan;,PANG Lin-na;,QIU Yan-yan;
Li-Yorke Chaotic Set and ω-Chaotic Set of the Generalized Symbolic Dynamical Systems
KANG Yun-lian;,LIU Long-sheng;,ZHAO Jun-ling;
Interaction of Bromophenol Blue and Bovine Serum Albumin
SUN Mei-xiang;,WANG Yu-long;,ZHOU Xiang-chun;,ZOU Hua;
Optimization of Silk Fibroin Extraction by Alkali Degumming and Spectra of Its Conformation in Solution
CHENG Lei;,LIU Zhi-xu;,SHEN Xing-can;,WANG Zhuo-yuan;,XIN Wei-biao;
Inhibitory Action of a Xanthono-pyridine Derivative XP-16 on Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma CNE Cells in vitro
DAI Zhi-kai;,HAN Liu-yu;,HUANG Jun;,QIN Jiang-ke;,SU Gui-fa;,YANG Zheng-min;
Synthesis of N-Methyl Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride and Its Application in Production
LIN Mei-fang;,TANG Huang;,ZHENG Qing-si;
Size Effects of Water-Soluble CdTe Quantum Dot in Metal Ion Detection Applications
JIAO Hang-zhou;,LIANG Zhen-hua;,PENG Gui-hua;,ZHOU Huang-xin;
Hydrolysis to Kitchen Waste with Multiple Enzymes
CHEN Meng-lin;,HUANG Zhi;,LIANG Qiu-ping;,SU Cheng-yuan;,WU Chang-qing;
Degradation of Ammonia Nitrogen in Wastewater by Lanthanon and Fe3+ Doped TiO2 Photocatalysis
CHU Fei-xue;,LI Yan;,ZHANG Zong-wei;
Insecticidal Activities and Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils from Alien Invasive Plants Solidago canadensis and Wedelia trilobata
DENG Ye-cheng;,LI Rui-yu;,QING Zhen;,YANG Lin-lin;,ZHONG Hui;,ZHOU Qiu-yan;
Screening for Mutants of Klebsilla oxytoca with Stronger Chemotaxis to Exudates from Mycorrhiza of Eucalyptus-Pisolithus tinnctorius
JIANG Shao-feng;,LAN Yun-hua;,LI Yun-fei;,LU Zu-jun;,XIA Ying-hua;,YU Xiao-yu;
A New Gene is Required for Full Virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola in Rice
HE Yong-qiang;,HUANG Sheng;,JIANG Wei;,LU Ye;,PAN Jun-xia;,ZHU Xiao-lin;
New Records of Ferns from Guangxi, China
GU Yu-feng;,LING Tie-jun;,WEI Hong-jin;,YAN Yue-hong;,ZHU Xiao-feng;
Thermal Biology of Japalura splendida
LI Yun-tao;,LU Yu;,MAO Zhi-gang;,WANG Zhen-xing;,WU Zheng-jun;
Trophic Relationships in Guizhou Shibingxia Cave and Mulaotang Cave by Means of Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes
HAN Kang;,LI Dao-hong;,LUO Qing-huai;,XU Cheng-xiang;,ZHENG Chuan-wei;
The Ecological Compensation of Qingshitan Reservoir Based on the Value of Ecosystem Service Function
LI Hui;,WANG Yue;,XIAO Fei-peng;,YIN Hui;
Groundwater Vulnerability Evaluation System and Assessment Method in Zhaidi Underground River System
MENG Xiao-jun;,PAN Xiao-dong;,SU Chun-tian;,TANG Jian-sheng;,YIN Xue-ling;
Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Slow Myosin Heavy Chain 1 (sMyHC1) Gene cDNA in Mandarin Fish(Siniperca chuatsi)
BIN Shi-yu;,CHEN Tao;,CHU Wu-ying;,LIU Xi-liang;,WANG Kai-zhuo;,WU Ping;,YI Tan;