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Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Natural Science Edition)
2009 Issue 4
Studies on Industrial Production of Cinnamaldehyde by Molecular Distillation
chen li hua ; yao xing dong
Research of the Embedded Course in Vocational Colleges
deng li
Relationship between the Jade Wares in the Lingzhu Culture and Development of the Civilization
gu dong hong ; dong jun qing ; li qing hui ; gan fu zuo
Reinforcing the Strength of Opening Computer Laboratory
nong zheng ; he zhong hua
QoS Routing Algorithm Based on Improved Max-Min ant Colony Algorithm
li yong sheng ; huang lan hong ; liu hong jun
A Method of Eye Location Based on the Colculation of the Complexity Extent and Correlation Pattern Match
zhang jing jing ; xuan shi bin ; sun li li ; wei jin ru
On the Transcendental Consciousness of Taoism
hu hua kai
ji yu xiao yuan wang de shi yan shi shu zi hua guan li jian she tan xi
wei wen shan ; zuo ming
The Research of Matrix Core Partial Ordering
zhu tong ping
Purification and Alkali Resistance of Rosinoyl Chloride
li jing quan ; xiao xin guang ; tang shi hua
An Approach of Mining the Maximal Frequent Itemsets
liu yang ; wang yong
Application to the Finite Type Condition
wang fei ; deng qi rong
min zu yuan xiao shi yan jiao xue shi fan zhong xin de jian she yu tan suo
huang yin juan ; lan qi
The Computerized English Oral Test in Language Laboratories of Digital Network
jiang zhen lian ; deng tao
The Relations between Continuity and Continuity for One Variable of Functions with Multi-variables
fang li zuo ; lin jie ping ; tang guo ji
shou jie zhong guo ji shu shi lun tan zong jie bao gao
jiang zhen zuo