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Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Natural Science Edition)
2003 Issue 3
The Safficiently Important Conditions for Distinguishing Twin Improper Primes
liang li li ; wang yun kui
The Probabilistic Model and Its Applications of A Selling Method with Prize
zhang shu mei ; zhang rong ji
Determine the Position of Conic Center
fang li zuo
The Internal Energy and The Molar Heat Capacity of Actual Gas
zuo ming ; pan cai juan
A Simple Way to Use A Grating to Measure the Wave of Laser
liang bing
Desing Consideration of Ultrasonic Dishwasher
wang xiang hong ; mao han ling
Technology of Extracting Polyphenols From Leaf of Tea
luo wei qiang ; li ji quan
An Improved Experiment for The Preparation of Aspirin
lan hong yun ; huang dao zhan
Catalytic Synthesis of Methyl Cinnamate with Boronic Acid
long jin qiao
A New Method for Feature Extraction of Color Image and Its Application
liao yi kui ; wang zhi wen
The Research in the Intelligent Home System
liu hong jun ; wu zuo
The Discussions on Integrating between Informational Technology and Curriculums
li shi hong ; huang yong zhong
On Requirement of Project Learning for Teacher
jiang xian zhen