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Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Natural Science Edition)
2001 Issue 4
An Application and Analysis on Feasible Leontief-Model in Resources Systems
du kuan qi ; tian zhen ming
Equations xp±y2p and Generalization of Fermat′s Conjecture
wang yun kui
H2 Outgassing Evolution During GDC(He) and He Reemission
wang zhi wen
The Experimental Study on the Pipes Leakage Detection Technique with Cross Coherence
huang wen ; mao han ling ; bao jia fu ; long yu hong
Study on the Treatment of Chromium-Containing Indnstrialplating Wastewater with Zeolite
luo wei qiang ; li ji quan ; meng tian qing ; huang wei
Improvement on Experiment of Acetic Ether Synthesis
zhou gui ; lan hong yun ; feng yu ; lei fu hou
Waste Water Treatment in College Chemical Experiments
cai cheng xiang ; shen wen wen ; ling shao ming
Designing and Implementation of a Web Audio Ordered Broadcasting System Based on Linux
nong zheng ; wei wei xing ; chen chao yi
On the Organization of Network Information Resource
su rui zhu ; wu ying zi
The Method and Technique of Composition Methodology in Maths
huang fei yan
The Aesthetics Style of the Journal catalogue
huang zu bin