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Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Natural Science Edition)
2001 Issue 2
On Paper-making Method of the Paper of Dongba of Naxi
he hong
The uniform interpolation of the typical conic
tan han mo ; feng bing
Research on the Anti-scaling Performance of Carboxymenthyl Chitosan for Calcium Sulfate
huang zeng wei ; huang dao zhan ; zuo yong jun
The Coagulating Process of Treating the Waste Water in Producing tapioca
li mei ; liao an ping ; liang bing chi ; zuo tu bin
Discussion on the Suitable Conditions of Coulomb's Law
liang bing
A Note of Qn Lagrange Mean Value Theorem
meng shi kui
Researches to A Certain Kind of the Hunter and the Lure System
xiang zhao hong
Characterized Education: the Basic Pattern of Distant Education
liang ge ying
On Making CAI of Chemistry
qin zi ping