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Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)
2003 Issue z2
Line light of lamp turning excellent design
wang guo qing ; dong yong le ; he rong ; chen bao gen
Optimal design on linear light-source of automobile
cao dun zuo ; luo zuo peng ; wei hai ; yang can neng
Teaching reform of higher education specialties based on mathematical modeling
yuan xu ; lv yue jin ; dai mu min
Some modeling methods for computer simulation
mo xing de
Some results of a illness-death model
deng tian yan ; li bi rong ; liang xin yan ; mai xiong fa
Mathematics and mathematical modeling
wu yan chun ; he bao zhu
Mathematics model of arranging match schedules
luo shan min ; ge zhi qiang ; xie hua xiu ; zhou you jun
The mathematics model of evaluating the excellent teachers
ruan min rong
Mathematical model for the arrangement of match schedule
zhuo wei ; xu shi min ; chen xiang yue
A mathematical model for timetabling and vehicle scheduling
li guo zuo ; zhang li ; he wen qiu ; xie tu sheng
Application of MATLAB in mathematical contest in modeling
huang xin min
The practice and understanding of mathematic model and contest
zhu ning ; fu ming pei
On commodity markdown and optimal markdown amplitude
ling zheng qiu
The problem in setting up a hierarchy process by using AHP
lv yue jin ; zuo ju ying