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International Journal of Immunology
2009 Issue 6
Expression and correlation of HIF-1α and VEGF in human gastric carcinoma
ZHU Ji-wei;JIN Zhan-feng;CHEN He
Application of zebrafish as research model in immunology
ZHANG Zhi-shun;YAO Ji-hua
Trophic macrophages in development
Gao Xiang;Zhang Hua
The research progress of MDSC
Lu Ying;Chen Bing-guan
Correlation of Bmi-1 expression and telomerase activity in ovarian cancer
ZHANG Fu-bin;XIN Tao;SUI Li-hua
The roles of P38MAPK and Caspase-8 in apoptosis of Bel-7402 cells induced by Fas-AD
WANG Lu;WANG Yu;SUN Li-guang
Study on the mechanisms of inhibitory effect of CTLA-41g fusion protein on atherosclerosis in apoE deficient mice
li yu jie ; zheng dong dan ; chen jie ; li xin ; xiong yan ; liao xiao xing
Effects of Transcriptional Factor FOXO in the Immune System
WANG Hong-xiang;ZHAO Shi
Th17 cells and autoimmune diseases
SONG Jin-zhan;WU Han-ni
The role of hypoxia-inducible factor-Ⅰ in rheumatoid arthritis
WANG Wen;CHEN Sen-zou
The establishment of rheumatoid arthritis model induced by collagen Ⅱ
ZHANG Yun;WU Zhen-yu;JIANG Quan
Advances in the macrophages and their interaction with tumor cells
HAN Xiao;ZHAO Xiang-feng;ZHU Xun
The regulation of antimicrobial protein expression by cytokines
LIU Guo-xin;JIANG Guang-shui
TFH:the true helper cells for antibody immune response
LUO Fei-fei;CHU Yi-wei