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International Journal of Immunology
2009 Issue 5
The expression of CD59 in red blood cell in patients with psoriasis in vitro systematic hematogenic immunoreaction
zhang zhi yong ; gu jun ; guo feng ; guo zhi li
Progress of animal models of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
SONG Li;JIN Cheng-qiang;LIU Fang
The study progress in dendritic cell homing to draining lymph nodes
REN Shu-rong;GAO Mei-hua;QU Chun-feng
The study progress on primary humoral immunodeficiency diseases
WANG Xiao-li;BAI Li
Epigenetic regulation of T helper cell differentiation
LAI Li-hua;WANG Qing-qing
Research advance of Th17
YANG Ji;CHU Yi-wei;LI Ming
Phospholipase Cγ2 and B lymphocyte
ZHANG Yun-Cao;BAl Li
Recent advances in the study of MICA gene in immunological diseases
WANG Yun-yan;HE Jun;HOU Jian-quan
Research progress in memory B cell
JIA Wei-hong;LUO De-yan;WANG Xi-liang
Construction of human LAT gene eukaryotic expression vector
REN Lian-ping;GUO Xue-jun
Research progrers on Runx3 and its immune regula tary role
LI Ya-zhen;XU Hua-xi
The study advance on cellular immunity of invertebrates
ZENG Xiang-xing;ZHANG Chi;LI Kang-sheng
Progress on the regulation of basic elements of NF-кB signaling pathway
XU Jian-guo;LIU Ji-yong;HU Jin-hong
Progress in the study of TLRs-and NLRs-mediated inflammation
MA Li-Xia;YUAN Qing;LIU Jia-jia
cd11b+ dan he xi bao zai eam zhong de zuo yong
xu gui rong