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International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine
2011 Issue 2
Advance in clinical research of radiation-induced heart disease
SONG Jian-bo;LI Si-jin
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor of the cerebellum: A case
wang zhi jun ; xu zu shan ; cong ying zhen ; quan yong
Status and advances in imaging diagnsis of hepatic adenoma
ZHU Xiao-lin;LI Qiang
Application of lithium carbonate on radioiodine treatment of Graves\' hyperthyroidism
ZHA Jin-shun;HUANG Chun-ling;JIANG Ting-yin;JIANG Yan
CT guided interstitial 125I seed implantation treatment of refractory lung cancer
ZHU Xiao-min;FANG Wen-yan;CHEN Jun;ZHAO Cheng;CHEN Peng
Comparision of the value of 99Tcm-MDP bone scintigraphy, 99Tcm-MDP SPECT-CT and 18F-FDG SPECT-CT in detecting bone metastases of spine
LIU Dao-jia;TANG Ming-deng;LIN Duan-yu;NI Lei-chun;LIN Xiao-min
In vivo assessment of mitochondrial function
NIE Xiu-li;ZHAO Shi-yan;GUAN Liang;SHI Hong-cheng;ZHU Hui-qing;YAN Wei-li
Changes of serum TRAb after 131I radiotherapy in patients of Graves hyperthyroidism
ZHONG Xing-xiang;ZHENG Ji-xiang;LAN Guan-zhang;LOU Yun-long
Value of 18F-FDG PET-CT in diagnoss of prostate cancer recurrence and metastasis
XU Hui-qin;XUE Yang-yang;ZHAO Xue-feng;LIANG Chao-zhao
Progress of PET imaging in Schizophrenia