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Pigs and Poultry
2016 Issue 8
Salmonella control in pigs
emma teirlynck;, zhao zuo ;
Protected sodium butyrate to fight Salmonella
m.puyalto;,r.c.mainar-jaime;,s.andr s-barranco;,e.creus;,j.j.mallo;, wang jing jing ;
Controlling Salmonella with benzoic acid
christophe paulus;,matthias wiemann;,rolando valientes;, wang jing jing ;
A combined strategy to reduce Salmonella in pigs
leni kuterna;, xiao chang ;
5 barn rules to manage body condition in sows
curtiss littlejohn;, jia liang liang ;
6 alternative feed ingredients with functional properties
javier polo;, lu han bang ;
Optimal valine lysine ratio for lactating sows varies
john goihl;, guo jing ;
The importance of breeding evaluation for genetic progress
benoit josselin;, wang jing jing ;
A practical guide to differential diagnosis in swine 6-Conjunctivitis
vladimir borges;, zhao zuo ;
Mycotoxins affect piglet performance, histopathology
sabine masching;, zhang xian ;
qian tan qiu ji yang zhu de si yang guan li
li hai jun ;
gui mo hua zhu chang mian yi cheng xu diao zheng qian hou kang ti bian hua ji fen xi
xu dan ;, zhang di ;, wu zuo zuo ;, xu xiu bin ;
The impact of raised incubation temperature on hatch, chick quality and broiler performance
n.leksrisompong;,k.a.walter;,a.d.nicholson;, cai xia ;
Weighing eggs
jia liang liang ;
An update on live vaccinesand nutritional productsin poultry
filip van immerseel;, liu jing jing ;
Comprehensive strategy to fight mycotoxins in poultry
sandrine durox;, han hao yue ;
The impact of phytase on nutrient utilisation of animal feed
nasser odetallah;, han hao yue ;
A practical guide to differential diagnosis 8-Lameness conditions (nutrition)
chasity pender;,raj murugesan;, jia liang liang ;
Dietary treatments for major poultry diseases
pauline paap;, jia liang liang ;
dan ji chan dan lv tu ran xia jiang de yuan yin fen xi
yao zuo lei ;, zhao qiu xia ;, han qing yan ;, he fen yi ;, li yong sheng ;
rou ji zuo si zong he zheng de you yin ji yu fang cuo shi
feng zhi xue ;
pen wu gan zao ji xue jiang dan bai fen de mian yi ying yang gong xiao ji ying yong yan jiu jin zhan
lv yong biao ;, wang jian xia ;, feng ping ;, zhang jun ;, lv xiao dong ;, jiang guo yong ;, cheng guo xiang ;
Strategies to enhance the performance of pigs and poultry on sorghum-based diets
sonia y.liu;,peter h.sellet;,aaron j.cowieson;, mi yan ;, zhu lin na ;
Thermal treatment improves stability and hygiene of feed
farshad goodarzi boroojeni;,j rgen zentek;, zhao zuo ;
FACT Sheet: Comparing different phytase sources for pigs
m rcio a.d.gon(c)alve;, gao ling yun ;
Trace elements from a veterinary perspective
vincent ter beek;, jia liang liang ;
Food-producing animals and their health in relation to human health
guillermo te'llez;, zhang jiang ;
Low pathogenic avian flu detected in 3 US states
han hao yue ;
Indian pork imports increased by double digits
wang jing jing ;
Vietnam hatchery project yields better biosecurity skills
han hao yue ;
Russia hopes to export more pork and chicken to Japan
wang jing jing ;
Canada amends 'raised without antibiotics' definition
wang jing jing ;