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Pigs and Poultry
2009 Issue 1
Dietary fat type and pig meat quality
wang ying ; chang zuo
O&A on african swine fever
yang jing jing ; shu chang
Disease,factsheet:African Swine Fever
ma jie ying ; ou yang long teng
Important roles for the arginine family of amino acids in swine nutrition and production
Guoyao Wu;Fuller W.Bazer;Teresa A.Davisa
Dietary lactose levels important postweaning
John Goihl
Red pre-starter boosts early,chick performance
Danny M.Hooge
Claw lesions and sow housing systems
Sukumaran S.Anil;John Deen;Marrina Schuttert
Effects of varying creep feeding duration on proportion of pigs consuming creep feed and pre-weaning performance
R.C.Sulabo;M.D.Tokach;E.J.Wiedenlann;J. Y.Jacelal;J.L.Nelssen;S.S.Dritzl;J.M.DeRouchey;R. D.Gooodballd
Breeding technology and public opinion
Rob Etches
New developments in low-dose insemination technology
Vazquez J M
Oesophagogastric ulceration in pigs:a visual morphological scoring guide
Solutions to old,new diseases discussed
Tim Lundeen
Chick Anaemia Virus is a hidden menace
Stephen A Lister
Biosecurity and vaccination control Mycoplasma infections
Janet M.Bradbury
Feed mill challenges of feeding DDGS
Hermann Klein-Hessling
Ante-mortem examination of poultry
Milad Manafi
zhu wen liu xing de xian zhuang ji zong he fang zhi
liu hong yun
ci xing ge te yi xing xu lie de ke long ce xu
zheng ai yan ; liu hui ; ding jia tong
huang zuo duo tang de ti qu he han liang ce ding yan jiu
liu rui sheng ; zhang shu bin ; wang bi hui ; xue zhang lin ; zhang hong bo
shou su zai dong wu sheng zhi diao kong zhong de zuo yong
wang zhi cang
Factors critical for successful vaccination against classical swine fever in endemic areas
Diagnostic methods for detection of Classical swine fever virus-Status quo and new developments
Irene Greiser-Wilke;Sandm Blome;Volker Moermig
da suan su zai yang zhu sheng chan zhong de ying yong jin zhan
xie shang jin ; yi xiang rong
yi qi zi zhu zhu wen he zhu dan du hun he gan ran de zhen liao bao gao
wu ming zhao ; gao guang ming ; liu shu qing ; xu feng
zi zhu fu xie de zong he fang zhi
han mu jun
dou po zhi liang zong he ce ping fang fa ji zhu chan guo dou po zhi liang de bi jiao
dai hong xia ; shi ming xia ; shi yong feng
ru dong xian jia qin sheng chan xian zhuang ji fa zhan fang xiang dui ce
chen chang ru ; zuo xiao hui ; chen xiao qin
ying xiang zhu fan zhi zhang ai de yin su ji dui ce
pei ai min ; li lian min ; zhao zhi hui
qing lv yin liao de zhong du ji yu fang cuo shi
su xi meng