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Journal of Guizhou Educational Institute
2011 Issue 6
Multiple parameter linear residual code——one of the secret key's passwords
rong shi kui ; wei ping ping
Training scheme design for the key teachers of physics experiments in Guizhou rural middle schools
wang ping rui ; zou zu li ; jiang ding ju
On the holistic promotion of balanced development to the compulsory education teachers
gao hong shui ; gao shu tao ; dai bing lou
On the information technology and teaching methods of badminton course
li yu ze ; zhou yan
The non-explosion of quasi-conformal mapping
han xue
The topographic feature analysis based on ASTER GDEM of Liupanshui region
zhang yong rong ; yang qin ; liu xing rong
Meaning of developing the distance education
jiang hong
Image passive-blind detection based on blurred invariant and region growing
liu pan mei ; wu jian yuan