Optical power prediction method based on improved Elman neural network
CHEN Xiao-juan;XU Meng;ZHAO Liang;LIU Bai-liang;QIAN Xin;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Changchun University of Science and Technology;School of Information Engineering;Northeast Dianli University;Jilin Electric Power Corporation;Economy and Technology Institute;State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company;State Grid Nanjing Power Supply Company;
Design of overhead capture module for SDH analyzer
WANG Xiao-hui;ZHUANG Li-yun;YANG Zhou;YU Chun-hong;LU Qing;ZHANG Tao;Faculty of Electronic Informatinon Engineering;Huaiyin Institute of Technology;Faculty of automation;Huaiyin Institute of Technology;
Real-time OFDM-PON uplink system based on burst mode
GUO Song-lin;WU Wei-liang;LI Ying-chun;ZOU Yao-zhao;DUN Han;CHEN Jian;School of Communication and Information Engineering;Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks of Shanghai University;