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Optical Communication Technology
2015 Issue 6
Analysis and research on energy saving technologies in flexible optical network
ZHANG Na-wa;YAO Qiu-yan;REN Dan-ping;ZHAO Ji-jun;School of Information and Electric Engineering;Hebei University of Engineering;
Reliability evaluation of WDM networks in the backbone electric power communication network
DU Jun-wei;ZHANG Rui-qiang;DAI Rui;YANG Jun-jie;Information & Telecommunication Company;Sichuan Electric Power Corporation;Electronic and Information Engineering College;Shanghai University of Electric Power;
Performance analysis of the OFDM and single carrier in the polarization multiplexed optical transmission system
LONG Tao;XI Hong-li;XI Zai-fang;HU Shi-gang;School of information science and Engineering;Hunan International Economics University;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Design and Implementation of variabie rate frame based on FPGA
SHI Xiao-jie;BAI Yang;LIU Jia-chun;School of Information and Communication;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;No.34 Research Institute;CETC;61416 troops of PLA;
Analysis of effect of polarization on four-wave mixing noise in DWDM system
HAN Fei;DU Jian-xin;YANG Wen-ping;College of Optoelectronic Engineering;Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications;
Design of multi-segment pseudo-wire implementation in the PTN equipment
SANG Wen-wen;TIAN Geng;Wuhan Research Institute if Posts and Telecommunications;Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies Co.;Ltd.;
Research and application of ultra long haul system based on ROPA technology
CHENG Xi-hai;XU Jian;YIN Tian-feng;DENG Li;HUANG Li-yan;Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute;Accelink Technologies Co.;Ltd.;Information & Communication Company of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company;State Grid Information and Telecommunication Branch;
Design and implementation of high-precision IEEE1588 timestamp based on FPGA
LIU Da-lin;WANG Qi;HUANG Hua-ming;Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co.;Ltd.;
Adaptive dispersion compensation and demodulation system design of 40Gb/s RZ-DQPSK receiver
JI Gang;ZHOU Jing;National University of Defense Technology;
you xiu lun wen ping xuan huo dong gong gao
ben kan bian ji bu ;
Long distance and low phase noise design of optical fiber transmission for the reference signal
QIN Gui-jun;No.34th Research Institute of CETC;
Simulation study of signals multicast in electricity optical fiber communication systems
YANG Hong-chang;XU Liang;ZHAO Bo;SUN Bao;DONG Qi-meng;State Grid Sichuan Information & Communication Company;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;School of Communication and Information Engineering;
Pump method design based on the fiber combiner
HUANG Bang-cai;ZHANG Peng;LI Bao-zhu;ZHANG Pei-pei;WANG Xiao-long;LONG Run-ze;HAN Gui-yun;ZHANG Xue-lian;LIANG Xiao-hong;No.46 Research Institute;CETC;
Study of the design for optical components based on the general self-imaging properties of exponential multimode interference(MMI)
PING Jun-fen;College of Xiaoshan;Zhejiang Radio & Television;
Design of high stable laser temperature controller for aerospace
ZHANG Xin;QIN Bo;FU Yi;QIN Liang-biao;HUANG Fang;LU Cheng-hong;No.34th Research Institute of CETC;
Research of an optical polarization multiplexing demodulation technology based on two asymmetric MZI
PENG Chen;No.27th Research Institute of CETC;
Design of a Q-switch based on graphene waveguide laser
WANG Da;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for High-efficiency Utilization of Solar Energy;Hubei University of technology;
Study on rapid acquisition technology for inter-satellite optical communications
XUE Zheng-yan;QI Bo;REN Ge;Institute of Optics and Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Optical Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Channel equalization in the visible-light communication based on MIMO
ZHANG Tuo;LIANG Zhong-cheng;LIU Xue-ming;ZHANG Qi;JU Qiu-qi;Dept. College of Opto-Electronic Enginerring;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Dept.College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Nanjing Xiaozhuang University;
Research and realization of underwater optical LED communication
CAI Wen-yu;WEN Duan-qiang;FANG Xun;Electronics Information College;Hangzhou Dianzi University;