Research and application of ultra long haul system based on ROPA technology
CHENG Xi-hai;XU Jian;YIN Tian-feng;DENG Li;HUANG Li-yan;Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute;Accelink Technologies Co.;Ltd.;Information & Communication Company of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company;State Grid Information and Telecommunication Branch;
Pump method design based on the fiber combiner
HUANG Bang-cai;ZHANG Peng;LI Bao-zhu;ZHANG Pei-pei;WANG Xiao-long;LONG Run-ze;HAN Gui-yun;ZHANG Xue-lian;LIANG Xiao-hong;No.46 Research Institute;CETC;
Channel equalization in the visible-light communication based on MIMO
ZHANG Tuo;LIANG Zhong-cheng;LIU Xue-ming;ZHANG Qi;JU Qiu-qi;Dept. College of Opto-Electronic Enginerring;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Dept.College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Nanjing Xiaozhuang University;