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Journal of Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2014 Issue 2
The effect of transplanted bone marrow stromal stem cells incubated with Dihuangyinzi on the expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in cerebral infarction rats
Pan Zheng;Cheng Xiaoli;Cheng Xiaofeng;Liu Yongqi;The Seconal Hospital of Lanzhou University;Gansu College of TCM;Gangu Liufeng Center Hospital;
shi da long yao ( ba ) chai hu
gao hui qin ; li cheng yi ; wang ming wei ;
Experimental research on big leaf Sanqi to stop bleeding,ease pain and tonify deficiency in mice
Ning Yanmei;Yang Tao;Deng Yi;Han Tao;Yang Xiujuan;Gansu College of TCM;
Apoptotic effects of total flavonoid from the leaves of Carya cathayensis Sarg. on U266
Zhai Wo;Shen Yanjing;Shen Yiping;Ding Zhishan;Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of TCM;Zhejiang University of TCM;
Analysis on relevant acupoints of treatment for apoplexy in acupuncture poetry
Wang Guanchao;Xiao Wei;Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Acupuncture Hospital of Anhui Province;
cong gan wei lun zhi fan liu xing shi guan yan de yong yao ti hui
ye han zuo ; zhu shu dong ;
Quantitative analysis of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in leaves of Ilex cornuta of different processing methods by RP-HPLC
Wang Cunqin;Xu Qixiang;Zha Linfang;Su Jun;College of Pharmacy;Wannan Medical College;
Study on the quality control method of Pishenshuangbu Pill
Hao Jianming;Guo Wenbin;An Shuangsheng;Fan Fuyuan;Fan Xiaoyu;Jiuquan Hospital of TCM;Hexi Pharmaceutical Co;Ltd.;in Gansu;Shenyang Pharmaceutical University;
Preliminary study on lyophilization of 18α-glycyrrhizic acid solid lipid nanoparticles
Liu Hui;Yang Qingfang;Tian Jing;Zhejiang University of TCM;Xixi Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of TCM;
zhong xi yi jie he zhi liao kong dong xing fei jie he 24 li lin chuang guan cha
zhao yin long ; wang ji guang ; shen hai mei ;
Clinical observation on 25 cases of constipation induced by morphine with retention enema of modified minor decoction of Zenye Decoction
Sun Meifei;Tumor Rehabilitation Department;Shengzhou People’s Hospital;
ban zi xian de zheng que shi yong
Clinical significance of absent cremasteric reflex and operation exploration in early diagnosis of testicular torsion: a report of 22 cases
Wang Xinping;Yi Jianfeng;Zhao Chunlin;Pan Haibang;Dong Xiaopeng;Department of Surgery;Affiliated Hospital of Gansu College of TCM;Gansu College of TCM;
jing pi kong xin ding nei gu ding zhi liao gu gu jing gu zhe 30 li
yang xiao xu ; wu zuo ; shen jin ming ; yu jian nong ;
Clinical analysis of staple fixation in treating the fifth metatarsal base avulsion fracture
Wang Nan;Hu Gangfeng;Zhu Yuan;Chen Yimin;Bi Dawei;Zhejiang University of TCM;First People’s Hospital in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou;
The study of relationship between traumatic fractures and the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in patients
Zhang Kai;Shang Chengying;Wang Yuan;Wang Yali;Gansu College of TCM;The First Clinical College of Medicine;Nanchang University;
Urodynamic influence of Guanyuan Moxibustion together with intermittent urethral catheterization on neurogenic bladder with spinal cord injury
Lin Ruizhu;Xu Jianfeng;Zhu Ning;Liu Jian;Niu Zizhan;Xi Chaolei;General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University;
zhong yao pu jiu zhi liao chan hou yao bei tong 41 li liao xiao guan cha
du fen xia ; ma ai rong ;
The preliminary census of the medicinal plants in Lingtai county
Wang Zhenheng;Jin Ling;Gao Sufang;Ma Yi;Zhu Shunjuan;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Meta analysis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy treated with integrated Chinese and western medicine
Li Changtian;Chen Yanfei;Department of Pathology;School of Basic Medicine;Gansu College of TCM;The First Hospital of Lanzhou University;
nao zu zhong hou yi yu zhong yi bian zheng lun zhi yan jiu jin zhan
zuo qi lu ; xiao wei ;
zhong xi yi jie he zhi liao tang niao bing zhou wei shen jing bing bian yan jiu jin zhan
zhu zhen ling ; jin zhi sheng ; wei yu jiao ;
zhong yi zhi liao man xing shen gong neng shuai jie yan jiu jin zhan
zhu zuo ; chen hong yu ;
zhong yi yao zhi liao tang niao bing shen bing yan jiu jin zhan
liu zhi jie ; cheng xiao xia ;
zhong yao xun xi zhi liao gang chang bing shu hou teng tong xin jin zhan
tian cai ling ; zhang xiao yuan ; zhao gao si ;
mian shen jing lu wai duan de jie po yu lin chuang ying yong yan jiu gai kuang
wang yong ; zheng mei feng ; chen yue ;
shen luo zhi bing yu shen shi kai zuo
dai en lai ;
cong jing fang pei wu tan fang ji xue de jiao yu xue
li juan ;
qin yan shi jiao xue fa zai wo xiao yi yuan guan li xue ke cheng jiao xue zhong de shi jian
luo zhong hua ; yang jing yu ; zhang wei ; liu zuo ;
yi xue ying yu ci hui jiao xue ce lue qian xi
wang shi jie ; wu yong sheng ; zhang chang jiang ;
yi xue yuan xiao ji suan ji ying yong ke cheng jiao xue gai ge tan tao
liu chun ; ren zhen ; song xian xia ;
dang gui yin
dai en lai ;
gan su zhong yi xue yuan jian jie