An anatomical study on pistils and stamens in Prunus mahaleb
ZHANG Xue;MU Xiao-qian;CAI Yu-liang;FENG Ying;WAN Tian;College of Horticulture·Northwest Horticultural Plants Genetic and Breeding Key Laboratory of Ministry of Agriculture;Northwest A&F University;College of Life Science;Northwest A&F University;
Breeding of a new early-ripening sweet cherry cultivar ’Xiaowen 1’
ZHANG Chun;ZHANG Xiao-wen;LI Jian-she;QU Xue-nong;ZHAO Ying-jie;People’s Government of the Changxingzhen;Mei County;Baoji High Grid Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co.;Ltd.;Mei County;Shangluo Institute of Agricultural Sciences;Mei County Citrus Technology Extension Service Center;Mei County;