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Journal of Fruit Science
2001 Issue 6
2001 nian di 18 juan zong mu ci
shui yang suan dui li ti ya li hua xu shuai lao de ying xiang
tian zhi xi ; zhang yu xing ; yu yan jun ; gao hui min
cai yong rt-pcr ji shu jian ce ping guo bing du
zhang kai chun ; hou yi long ; hu wen yu ; wu lu ping ; lin zuo ; zhang xiao ming
Advances in Research on Mechanism of Fruit Rioening and Softening
wu cai e ; wang wen sheng ; kou xiao hong
Advances in Transgenic Research on Stone Fruit Tree Species
yan guo hua ; zhou yu ; zhang kai chun
Advances in Research of Flowering Genes
liu chun ling ; lin bo nian
Effect of Coating Chitosan on Active Oxygen Metabolism in Chinese Ar-butus Fruit (Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc.)
wang yi guang ; luo zi sheng ; xi fang ; xu cheng ; cheng du
Making Template DNA in the Study of Identification and Classification of Banana Germplasm Based on AFLP Fingerprint
yi gan jun ; yu xiao ying ; huo he qiang ; zhang qiu ming
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Yield and Quality of Strawberry Grown in Replanted Soil
qi guo hui ; chen gui lin ; lv gui yun ; zuo lan chun ; ding ping hai
Studies on the Diploid Strawberry Species Fragaria mandschurica Staudt
lei jia jun ; wang yue zuo ye ; deng ming qin
Optimization on RAPD Analysis System of Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus ju juba Mill.)
zhao jin ; liu meng jun
Study on the Chilling Requirement of Grape Cultivars and the Methods for Breaking the Dormancy
yang tian yi ; li shi cheng ; jiang ai li ; luo jun ; jin pei fang ; dan chuan lun
Study on the in Ovulo Embryo Culture of the Crossed Progeny BetweenDiploid and Tetraploid Grape Cultivars
xu hai ying ; yan ai ling ; zhang guo jun
Effects of GA3 and PP333 on the Apple Flower Bud Differentiation Course and Contents of Endogenous Hormone
cao shang yin ; tang yi zu ; zhang jun chang