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Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory
1993 Issue 2
Study of Color Reaction between Gold and Thiomichler’s Ketone in the Presence of Surfactant SDS and its Application in Mineral Analysis
Xie Cheng xi Physical and Chemical Testing Centre;Xinjiang University. No. 14;Shenplilu;Urumgi;830046;P. R. ChinaHu Qin Physical and Chemical Testing Centre;Xinjiang University. No. 14;Shenplilu;Urumgi;830046;P. R. ChinaZhou Yongjun Physical and Chemical Testing Centre;Xinjiang University. No. 14;Shenplilu;Urumgi;830046;P. R. China
xiao zhi shi
Determination of Chloride in Calcined Magnesite by Potentiometric Titration Method
Yao Fengchi Liaoning Impot & Expot commodity Inspeetion Bureau;No. 100;Sidalinlu;Dalian;Liaoning 116001;P. R. ChinaZeng Ze Liaoning Impot & Expot commodity Inspeetion Bureau;No. 100;Sidalinlu;Dalian;Liaoning 116001;P. R. China
Study on the Reaction Mechanism of Cyclohexanone with Tetra Butyl Titanate by Infrared Absorption Snectroscony
Liu Dazhong Shondong College of light industry;No. 15;Huang taibeilu;Jinan 250100;P. R. ChinaZhang Ying Snandong University;Jinan 250100;P. R. China
Determination of Mercury by Cold-Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Huang Shifang Hygiene and Antiepidemic Station in Liuzhou;Guangxi No. 6;Bayilu;Liuzhou;Guangxi 545001;P. R. China
Determination of the Trace Elements in Pure Copper by Emission Spectrochemical Analysis
Chi Ke Beijing General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;No. 2 Xinjiekouwaidajie;Beijing 100088;P. R. China
Study on Single Channel Scan Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry Determination Rare Earth Elements in Soil and Trace Element Fertility
Fu Yun Kunming Instilute of Eoology;Aoademia Sinioa;Chira;No. 25;Jiaochangdonglu;Kunming 650223;P. R. ChinaWang wengul Kunming Institute of Eoology;Aoademia Sinioa;Chira;No. 25;Jiaochangdonglu;Kunming 650223;P. R. China
Determination of Trace Gold in Iranian Samples by AAS Method after Moveing Sulphur and Carbon with Oxidation of Wet Process
Shi xingmin Northwest Nonferrous Metals Mineral and Geological Analytical and Test centre;No. 25 Xiyinglu;Xian 710054;P. R. China
Emission Spectrochemical Determination of Eleven Impure Ele-ments in Reduction Reclamation Powder of Tungsten Alloy Chips
Luo Jinxiu No. 52 Research Institute;Weapon Industry;China;No. 4;P. O. Box;Baotou;Neimenggu 014034;P. R. China.Chang Tanbiao No. 52 Research Institute;Weapon Industry;China;No. 4;P. O. Box;Baotou;Neimenggu 014034;P. R. China.Han Xiufeng No. 52 Research Institute;Weapon Industry;China;No. 4;P. O. Box;Baotou;Neimenggu 014034;P. R. China.
Determination of Pr,Nd,Sm,Gd and Y in Pure Eu2O3 by Controlled Atmosphere-AES
Guo Huiqing Department of Chemistry;Guangzhou Normal College;No. 1;Gui Hua Gang East Street;Guangzhou 510400;P. R. ChinaLiang Zhuhu Zhujiang Refinery;No. 116 P. O. Box;Guangzhou 510700;P. R. ChinaGao weishen Zhujiang Refinery;No. 116 P. O. Box;Guangzhou 510700;P. R. China
Spectrophotometric Determination of Total Rare Earth Elements in High Pure Thorium Oxide with Arsenaeo Ⅲ
Xin Renxuan Insitute of Nuclear Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;P. O. Box 1021;Beijing 102201;P. R. China
Zhou Kaiyi Central Iron & Steel Research Institute;Ministry of Metallurgical Industry;No. 76 Xueyuannanlu;Beijing 100081;P. R. China
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Micro-amount of Copper in Molybdenum Concentrate and Molybdenum Powder in the Presence of Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate
Zhang Heng Department of Metallurgy;Changsha Technical College;Lushannanlu;Changsha 410012;P. R. ChinaZhou Wenling Department of Metallurgy;Changsha Technical College;Lushannanlu;Changsha 410012;P. R. ChinaWang Wenting Department of Metallurgy;Changsha Technical College;Lushannanlu;Changsha 410012;P. R. China