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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2016 Issue 3
Guidelines for Authors
Constraining the UT angle γ by CP violation parameters in B~0→π~+π~-
Qin Qin;Zhi-Tian Zou;Ying Li;Cai-Dian L;Institute of High Energy Physics;Department of Physics;Yantai University;State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Physics cross sections and event generation of e~+e~- annihilations at the CEPC
Xin Mo;Gang Li;Man-Qi Ruan;Xin-Chou Lou;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Texas at Dallas;
Disentangling the spin-parity of a resonance via the gold-plated decay mode
Tanmoy Modak;Dibyakrupa Sahoo;Rahul Sinha;Hai-Yang Cheng;Tzu-Chiang Yuan;The Institute of Mathematical Sciences;Institute of Physics;Academia Sinica;
Potential of geo-neutrino measurements at JUNO
Ran Han;Yu-Feng Li;Liang Zhan;William F McDonough;Jun Cao;Livia Ludhova;Science and Technology on Reliability and Environmental Engineering Laboratory;Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Geology;University of Maryland;Forschungzentrum Jlich IKP-2 and RWTH Aachen University;
Interference effects on Higgs mass measurement in e~+e~-→H(γγ)Z at CEPC
Guang-Zhi Xu;Gang Li;Yi-Jie Li;Kui-Yong Liu;Yu-Jie Zhang;Key Laboratory of Micro-nano Measurement-Manipulation and Physics and School of Physics;Beihang University;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics;Liaoning University;CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics;
Update on two-zero textures of the Majorana neutrino mass matrix in light of recent T2K,Super-Kamiokande and NOνA results
Shun Zhou;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for High Energy Physics;Peking University;
Efficient numerical evaluation of Feynman integrals
Zhao Li;Jian Wang;Qi-Shu Yan;Xiaoran Zhao;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;PRISMA Cluster of Excellence & Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics;Johannes Gutenberg University;School of Physics Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for High-Energy Physics;Peking University;
Theoretical study on neutron distribution of 208Pb by parity-violating electron scattering
Jian Liu;Cun Zhang;Zhong-Zhou Ren;Chang Xu;College of Science;China University of Petroleum;School of Physics and Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics;Institute of Acoustics;Nanjing University;School of Physics and Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics;Institute of Acoustics;Nanjing University;School of Physics and Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics;Institute of Acoustics;Nanjing University;Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China;Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics;National Laboratory of Heavy-Ion Accelerator;
Folding model calculations for 6He+12C elastic scattering
Awad A.Ibraheem;Physics Department;King Khalid University;Physics Department;Al-Azhar University;
Study of entropy in intermediate-energy heavy ion collisions
Xiao-Ji Zhang;Wen-Jun Guo;Xian-Jie Li;Kuo Wang;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Strange particle production in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions in the RHIC BES energy region
Cong-Cong Zhang;Xian-Bao Yuan;Sheng-Qin Feng;Zhong-Bao Yin;College of Science;China Three Gorges University;Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics;Ministry of Education;School of Physics and Technology;Wuhan University;Institute of Particle Physics;Central China Normal University;
Pseudorapidity dependence of short-range correlations from a multi-phase transport model
Mei-Juan Wang;Gang Chen;Guo-Liang Ma;Yuan-Fang Wu;Physics Department;China University of Geoscience;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics and Institute of Particle Physics;Central China Normal University;
Study of silicon pixel sensor for synchrotron radiation detection
Zhen-Jie Li;Yun-Cong Jia;Ling-Fei Hu;Peng Liu;Hua-Xiang Yin;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Lab.of Microelectronics Devices & Integrated Technology;Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The neutron texture diffractometer at the China Advanced Research Reactor
Mei-Juan Li;Xiao-Long Liu;Yun-Tao Liu;Geng-Fang Tian;Jian-Bo Gao;Zhou-Xiang Yu;Yu-Qing Li;Li-Qi Wu;Lin-Feng Yang;Kai Sun;Hong-Li Wang;J.R.Santisteban;Dong-Feng Chen;Department of Nuclear Physics;China Institute of Atomic Energy;Centro Atómico Bariloche;CNEA;
Total ionizing dose effects of domestic Si Ge HBTs under different dose rates
Mo-Han Liu;Wu Lu;Wu-Ying Ma;Xin Wang;Qi Guo;Cheng-Fa He;Ke Jiang;Xiao-Long Li;Ming-Zhu Xun;Key Laboratory of Functional Materials and Devices for Special Environments;Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Electronic Information Materials and Devices;Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physics Science and Technology;Xinjiang University;School of Physics Science and Technology;Xinjiang University;
Dedicated 4πβ(LS)-γ(HPGe) digital coincidence system based on synchronous high-speed multichannel data acquisition
Ji-Feng Chen;Ke-Zhu Song;Jia-Cheng Liu;State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics;USTC;Ministry of Environmental Protection of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center;
Monte Carlo simulation of prompt γ-ray spectra from depleted uranium under D-T neutron irradiation and electron recoil spectra in a liquid scintillator detector
Jian-Guo Qin;Cai-Feng Lai;Rong Liu;Tong-Hua Zhu;Xin-Wei Zhang;Bang-Jiao Ye;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Graduate School;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;
A new method of charged particle identification based on frequency spectrum analysis
Jin-Tao Zhu;Guo-Fu Liu;Jun Yang;Xiao-Liang Luo;Lei Zhang;Li-Feng Ji;College of Mechatronics and Automation;National University of Defense Technology;
Beam dynamics of the superconducting wiggler on the SSRF storage ring
Qing-Lei Zhang;Shun-Qiang Tian;Bo-Cheng Jiang;Jie-Ping Xu;Zhen-Tang Zhao;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Science;
RF modulation studies on an S band pulse compressor
Guan Shu;Feng-Li Zhao;Shi-Lun Pei;Ou-Zheng Xiao;Laboratory of Particle Acceleration Physics & Technology;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Frequency tuning with RFQ temperature in China ADS Injector Ⅱ
Jing Wang;Jian-Long Huang;Xiao-Qi Zhang;Bin Zhang;Yuan He;Zhou-Li Zhang;Ai-Min Shi;Lanzhou University of Technology;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Calculation of hydrogen and helium concentrations for CSNS target
Dong-Dong Pan;Tai-Ran Liang;Wen Yin;Ze-En Yao;School of Nuclear and technology;Lanzhou University;Spallation Neutron Source Engineering Center for Target and Instrument;Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Science;Dongguan Branch;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physics and Electronic Information;Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities;