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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2015 Issue 1
Guidelines for Authors
Geometry of the effective Majorana neutrino mass in the 0νββ decay
XING Zhi-zhong;ZHOU Ye-Ling;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for High Energy Physics;Peking University;
Lepton number violation in D meson decay
DONG Hai-Rong;FENG Feng;LI Hai-Bo;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for High Energy Physics;Peking University;
Multiquark cluster form factors in the relativistic harmonic oscillator model
WU Qing;ZHOU Li-Juan;XIANG Qian-Fei;MA Wei-Xing;Department of Physics;School of Science;Qingdao University;School of Science;Guangxi University of Science and Technology;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Forward-backward multiplicity correlations of target fragments in nucleus-emulsion collisions at a few hundred MeV/u
ZHANG Dong-Hai;CHEN Yan-Ling;WANG Guo-Rong;LI Wang-Dong;WANG Qing;YAO Ji-Jie;ZHOU Jian-Guo;LI Rong;LI Jun-Sheng;LI Hui-Ling;Institute of Modern Physics;Shanxi Normal University;
Effect of tensor force on the density dependence of symmetry energy within the BHF framework
WANG Pei;ZUO Wei;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physical Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Pre-neutron-emission mass distributions for reaction 238U(n,f) up to 60 MeV
SUN Xiao-Jun;YU Cheng-Gang;WANG Ning;YANG Yong-Xu;PAN Cheng-Hua;College of Physical Science and Technology;Guangxi Normal University;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Magnetized strange quark matter in a mass-density-dependent model
HOU Jia-Xun;PENG Guang-Xiong;XIA Cheng-Jun;XU Jian-Feng;Theor. Physics Center for Science Facilities;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physics;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Influence of thermal and resonance neutron on fast neutron flux measurement by 239Pu fission chamber
ZENG Li-Na;WANG Qiang;SONG Ling-Li;ZHENG Chun;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Physical design and Monte Carlo simulations of a space radiation detector onboard the SJ-10 satellite
LIU Ya-Qing;WANG Huan-Yu;CUI Xing-Zhu;PENG Wen-Xi;FAN Rui-Rui;LIANG Xiao-Hua;GAO Ming;ZHANG Yun-Long;ZHANG Cheng-Mo;ZHANG Jia-Yu;YANG Jia-Wei;WANG Jin-Zhou;ZHANG Fei;DONG Yi-Fan;GUO Dong-Ya;ZHOU Da-Wei;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Jilin University;
Measurement of the liquid scintillator nonlinear energy response to electron
ZHANG Fei-Hong;YU Bo-Xiang;HU Wei;YANG Ma-Sheng;CAO Guo-Fu;CAO Jun;ZHOU Li;State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics;Institute of High Energy Physics;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study of the dose rate effect of 180 nm nMOSFETs
HE Bao-Ping;YAO Zhi-Bin;SHENG Jiang-Kun;WANG Zu-Jun;HUANG Shao-Yan;LIU Min-Bo;XIAO Zhi-Gang;The State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;
Generating 10–40 MeV high quality monoenergetic electron beams using a 5 TW 60 fs laser at Tsinghua University
HUA Jian-Fei;YAN Li-Xin;PAI Chih-Hao;ZHANG Chao-Jie;LI Fei;WAN Yang;WU Yi-Peng;XU Xin-Lu;DU Ying-Chao;HUANG Wen-Hui;CHEN Huai-Bi;TANG Chuan-Xiang;LU Wei;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;
High accuracy amplitude and phase measurements based on a double heterodyne architecture
ZHAO Dan-Yang;WANG Guang-Wei;PAN Wei-Min;SUN Yi;QIU Feng;ZHANG Juan;MI Zheng-Hui;LIN Hai-Ying;SHA Peng;WANG Qun-Yao;XU Bo;MA Qiang;University of Chinese Academy of Science;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;High Energy Accelerator Research Organization;KEK 1-1 Oho;Tsukuba;Ibaraki 305-0801;Japan;
Theoretical analysis of BLM system for HLS Ⅱ
CHEN Yu-Kai;LI Yu-Xiong;LI Wei-Min;HE Li-Juan;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;University of Science and Technology of China;
Time-resolved energy spectrum measurement of a linear induction accelerator with the magnetic analyzer
WANG Yuan;JIANG Xiao-Guo;YANG Guo-Jun;CHEN Si-Fu;ZHANG Zhuo;WEI Tao;LI Jin;Institute of Fluid Physics;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Effects of longitudinal parasitic modes on the beam dynamics for the ADS driving linac in China
CHENG Peng;PEI Shi-Lun;WANG Jiu-Qing;LI Zhi-Hui;TANG Jing-Yu;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Beam breakup simulation study for a high energy ERL
CHEN Si;M.Shimada;N.Nakamura;HUANG Sen-Lin;LIU Ke-Xin;CHEN Jia-Er;School of Physics;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology;Institute of Heavy Ion Physics;Peking University;KEK;Oho 1-1 Tsukuba;Ibaraki 305-0801;Japan;
A user-friendly nano-CT image alignment and 3D reconstruction platform based on Lab VIEW
WANG Sheng-Hao;ZHANG Kai;WANG Zhi-Li;GAO Kun;WU Zhao;ZHU Pei-Ping;WU Zi-Yu;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;University of Science and Technology of China;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Optimization of single-step tapering amplitude and energy detuning for high-gain FELs
LI He-Ting;JIA Qi-Ka;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;University of Science and Technology of China;
Monte Carlo simulation of carbon ion radiotherapy for the human eye
PANG Cheng-Guo;SU You-Wu;WANG Wen-Jun;LUO Xiao-Ming;XU Jun-Kui;LI Wu-Yuan;YUAN Jiao;YAO Ze-En;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Gansu National Health Inspection;The People’s Hospital of Linze;