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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2014 Issue 7
Guidelines for Authors
Study of diphoton decays of the lightest scalar Higgs boson in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
FAN Jia-Wei;TAO Jun-Quan;SHEN Yu-Qiao;CHEN Guo-Ming;CHEN He-Sheng;S.Gascon-Shotkin;M.Lethuillier;L.Sgandurra;P.Soulet;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon;Université de Lyon;Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1;CNRS-IN2P3;Villeurbanne 69622;France;Institut de Physique Nucl′eaire de Lyon;Université de Lyon;Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1;CNRS-IN2P3;Villeurbanne 69622;France;
B→Kη decays in the SM with fourth generation fermions
CHENG Shan;FAN Ying-Ying;XIAO Zhen-Jun;Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics;Nanjing Normal University;
Multiplicity fluctuation analysis of target residues in nucleusemulsion collisions at a few hundred MeV/nucleon
ZHANG Dong-Hai;CHEN Yan-Ling;WANG Guo-Rong;LI Wang-Dong;WANG Qing;YAO Ji-Jie;ZHOU Jian-Guo;ZHENG Su-Hua;XU Li-Ling;MIAO Hui-Feng;WANG Peng;Institute of Modern Physics;Shanxi Normal University;
Study of neutron activation yields in spallation reaction of 400 MeV/u carbon on a thick lead target
MA Fei;GE Hong-Lin;ZHANG Xue-Ying;ZHANG Hong-Bin;JU Yong-Qin;CHEN Liang;YANG Lei;FU Fen;ZHANG Ya-Ling;LI Jian-Yang;LIANG Tian-Jiao;ZHOU Bin;WANG Song-Lin;LI Jin-Yang;XU Jun-Kui;LEI Xiang-Guo;QIN Zhi;GU Long;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Position reconstruction in fission fragment detection using the low pressure MWPC technique for the JLab experiment E02-017
QIU Xi-Yu;L.Tang;A.Margaryan;XU Jin-Zhang;HU Bi-Tao;CHEN Xi-Meng;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Department of Physics;Hampton University;Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility;Newport News;VA 23606;USA;Yerevan Physics Institute;School of Electrical and Automation;Hefei University of Technology;
New high spin level scheme of 87Sr
LI Hong-Wei;LU Jing-Bin;LI Guang-Sheng;ZHENG Yun;YAO Shun-He;WU Xiao-Guang;HE Chuang-Ye;XIA Qing-Liang;LIU Jia-Jian;LI Cong-Bo;HU Shi-Peng;WANG Jin-Long;WU Yi-Heng;LUO Peng-Wei;MA Ke-Yan;XU Chuan;SUN Jun-Jie;College of Physics;Jilin University;China Institute of Atomic Energy;College of Physics and Technology;Shenzhen;University;School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology;Peking University;
Rotational properties in even-even superheavy 254-258Rf nuclei based on total-Routhian-surface calculations
WANG Hua-Lei;CHAI Qing-Zhen;JIANG Jin-Ge;LIU Min-Liang;School of Physics and Engineering;Zhengzhou University;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Loschmidt Echo of a central spin coupled to an XY spin chain:The role of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
LIAN Han-Li;School of Science;Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Exact treatment of pairing correlations in Yb isotopes with covariant density functional theory
LIU Lang;ZHAO Peng-Wei;School of Science;Jiangnan University;State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology;School of Physics;Peking University;
Deuteron electromagnetic form factors in transverse plane with a phenomenological Lagrangian approach
LIANG Cui-Ying;DONG Yu-Bing;LIANG Wei-Hong;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Physical Science and Technology;Guangxi Normal University;
Probing the symmetry potential with neutron-proton bremsstrahlung in heavy-ion collisions
YANG Lin-Meng;GUO Wen-Jun;ZHANG Yun-Peng;ZHANG Xiao-Ji;College of Science;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Texas A&M University-Commerce;Commerce;TX 75429;USA;School of Mechatronics;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Production rates of cosmogenic nuclei on the lunar surface
DONG Tie-Kuang;YUN Su-Jun;MA Tao;CHANG Jin;DONG Wu-Dong;ZHANG Xiao-Ping;LI Guo-Long;REN Zhong-Zhou;Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy;Purple Mountain Observatory;CAS;Nanjing XiaoZhuang University;Space Science Institute;Macau University of Science and Technology;Avenida Wai Long;Taipa;Macau;China;Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics;National Laboratory of Heavy-Ion Accelerator;
Hyperbolic Cardassian universe
ZHANG Xu-Ning;Hezhou University;
Digital logarithmic airborne gamma ray spectrometer
ZENG Guo-Qiang;ZHANG Qing-Xian;LI Chen;TAN Cheng-Ju;GE Liang-Quan;GU Yi;CHENG Feng;Chengdu University of Technology;
Self-attenuation corrections calculated by LabSOCS Simulations for gamma-spectrometric measurements with HPGe detectors
TIAN Zi-Ning;OUYANG Xiao-Ping;LIU Yang;CHEN Liang;LIU Jin-Liang;ZHANG Xian-Peng;SONG Ji-Wen;ZENG Ming;Key Laboratory of Particle & Radiation Imaging;Department of Engineering Physics;Ministry of Education;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;School of Nuclear Science and Engineering;North China Electric Power University;
Characterization of large area photomultiplier ETL 9357FLB for liquid argon detector
DU Ying-Shuai;YUE Qian;LIU Yi-Bao;CHEN Qing-Hao;LI Jin;CHENG Jian-Ping;KANG Ke-Jun;LI Yuan-Jing;LI Yu-Lan;MA Hao;XING Hao-Yang;YU Xun-Zhen;ZENG Zhi;Engineering Research Center of Nuclear Technology Application;Ministry of Education;East China Institute of Technology;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging;Tsinghua University;Ministry of Education;School of Physical Science and Technology;Sichuan University;
Cascade-exciton model analysis of mass dependence of pion-induced fission
Muhammad Ikram Shahzad;Zafar Yasin;Warda Iram;Shahida Jabeen;Physics Division;PINSTECH;P.O. Nilore;Islamabad;Pakistan;Physics Department;Islamia University;Bahawalpur;Pakistan;Physics Department;AJ&K University;Muzaffarbad;Pakistan;
Beam dynamics design for uranium drift tube linear accelerator
DOU Wei-Ping;HE Yuan;LU Yuan-Rong;Institute of Modern Physics;China Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Lab of Nuclear Physics and Technology;Peking University;
Development of a quasi-periodic undulator for the HLS
YANG Yu-Feng;LU Hui-Hua;CHEN Wan;JIA Qi-Ka;SUN Shu-Chen;LI Zhi-Qiang;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;
Study of the dynamic characteristics of the AC dipole-girder system for CSNS/RCS
LIU Ren-Hong;QU Hua-Min;ZHANG Jun-Song;KANG Ling;WANG Mo-Tuo;WANG Guang-Yuan;WANG Hai-Jing;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Performance evaluation of BPM system in SSRF using PCA method
CHEN Zhi-Chu;LENG Yong-Bin;YAN Ying-Bing;YUAN Ren-Xian;LAI Long-Wei;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Experimental study using Touschek lifetime as machine status flag in SSRF
CHEN Zhi-Chu;LENG Yong-Bin;YUAN Ren-Xian;YAN Ying-Bing;YU Lu-Yang;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Development of ADS virtual accelerator based on XAL
WANG Peng-Fei;CAO Jian-She;YE Qiang;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study of influence of radial matcher section end shape on RFQ cavity frequency
ZHANG Zhou-Li;HE Yuan;ZHANG Bin;LI De-Run;SHI Ai-Min;PAN Gang;DU Xiao-Nan;SUN Lie-Peng;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;LBNL;Berkeley;CA 94720;USA;
Development of a 325 MHz β=0.12 superconducting single spoke cavity for China-ADS
LI Han;DAI Jian-Ping;SHA Peng;WANG Qun-Yao;HUANG Hong;LI Li-Hai;ZHANG Juan;MA Qiang;LIN Hai-Ying;SUN Yi;PAN Wei-Min;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Analysis of undulator radiation with an electromagnet undulator
Vijay Huse;Bramh Prakash;G. Mishra;School of Physics;DAVV;Indore- 452001;India;
A Monte Carlo simulation and setup optimization of output ef f iciency to PGNAA thermal neutron using 252Cf neutrons
ZHANG Jin-Zhao;TUO Xian-Guo;Applied Nuclear Techniques in Geoscience Key Laboratory;Chengdu University of Technology;
Study of shielding design for SANS at CSNS
LIANG Tai-Ran;SHEN Fei;YIN Wen;YU Quan-Zhi;YU Chun-Xu;TAO Ju-Zhou;LIANG Tian-Jiao;School of Physics;Nankai University;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;