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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2014 Issue 12
Study of pure and semileptonic decays of D_s meson within R-parity violating supersymmetric model
Farida Tahir;Azeem Mir;Shakeel Mahmood;COMSATS Institutte of Information Technology;Physics Department;Islamabad;Pakistan;COMSATS Institutte of Information Technology;Physics Department;Lahore;Pakistan;
Quantum phase transitions in matrix product states of one-dimensional spin-(1/2) chains
ZHU Jing-Min;College of Optoelectronic Technology;Chengdu University of Information Technology;
Competition between α-decay and β-decay for heavy and superheavy nuclei
SHENG Zong-Qiang;SHU Liang-Ping;MENG Ying;HU Ji-Gang;QIAN Jian-Fa;School of Science;Anhui University of Science and Technology;School of Electronic Science and Applied Physics;Hefei University of Technology;
Nonlinear relativistic mean-field theory studies on He isotopes
FAN Guang-Wei;DONG Tie-Kuang;D.Nishimura;School of Chemical Engineering;Anhui University of Science and Technology;Purple Mountain Observatory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics;Tokyo University of Science;
Energy loss of charm quarks from J/ψ production in cold nuclear matter
SONG Li-Hua;MIAO Wen-Dan;DUAN Chun-Gui;College of Science;Hebei United University;Department of Physics;Hebei Normal University;Hebei Advanced Thin Films Laboratory;
Development of large-area quadrant silicon detector for charged particles
BAO Peng-Fei;LIN Cheng-Jian;YANG Feng;GUO Zhao-Qiao;GUO Tian-Shu;YANG Lei;SUN Li-Jie;JIA Hui-Ming;XU Xin-Xing;MA Nan-Ru;ZHANG Huan-Qiao;LIU Zu-Hua;China Institute of Atomic Energy;Beijing Kelixing Photoelectric Technology Co.;Ltd;
Prototype studies on the forward MWDC tracking array of the external target experiment at HIRFL-CSR
YI Han;ZHANG Zhao;XIAO Zhi-Gang;CHENG Wen-Jing;L Li-Ming;YAN Wei-Hua;WANG Ren-Sheng;LI Hong-Jie;HUANG Yan;ZHANG Yan;DUAN Li-Min;HU Rong-Jiang;LU Chen-Gui;YANG He-Run;MA Peng;Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A novel CZT detector using strengthened electric field line anode
FU Jian-Qiang;LI Yu-Lan;ZHANG Lan;NIU Li-Bo;JIANG Hao;LI Yuan-Jing;Dept. of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory of Radiation Physics & Detection;Ministry of Education;Nuctech Company Limited;
Track reconstruction based on Hough-transform for nTPC
NIU Li-Bo;LI Yu-Lan;HUANG Meng;HE Bin;LI Yuan-Jing;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory of Particle & Radiation Imaging;Ministry of Education;Xi’an Research Institute of Hi-Tech;
A CW superconducting linac as the proton driver for a medium baseline neutrino beam in China
LI Zhi-Hui;TANG Jing-Yu;Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology;Sichuan University;Insitute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A new measurement method for electrode gain in an orthogonally symmetric beam position monitor
ZOU Jun-Ying;WU Fang-Fang;YANG Yong-Liang;SUN Bao-Gen;ZHOU Ze-Ran;LUO Qing;LU Ping;XU Hong-Liang;NSRL;School of Nuclear Science and Technology University of Science and Technology of China;
Analytical estimation of ATF beam halo distribution
WANG Dou;Philip Bambade;Kaoru Yokoya;GAO Jie;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;LAL;Univ Paris-Sud;CNRS/IN2P3;Orsay;France;KEK;Tsukuba;Ibaraki;Japan;
Simulation of electron behavior in PIG ion source for 9 MeV cyclotron
X.J.Mu;M.Ghergherehchi;Y.H.Yeon;J.W.Kim;J.S.Chai;College of Information & communication Engineering;School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering;Sungkyunkwan University;Department of Energy Science;Sungkyunkwan University;
Bunch evolution study in optimization of MeV ultrafast electron diffraction
LU Xian-Hai;DU Ying-Chao;HUANG Wen-Hui;TANG Chuan-Xiang;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory of Particle Radiation Imaging;Ministry of Education;
Dose estimation and shielding calculation for X-ray hazard at high intensity laser facilities
QIU Rui;ZHANG Hui;YANG Bo;James C.Liu;Sayed H.Rokni;Michael B.Woods;LI Jun-Li;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory of High Energy Radiation Imaging Fundamental Science;Key Laboratory of Particle & Radiation Imaging of Ministry of Education;SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: 2575 Sand Hill Road;Menlo Park;CA;94025;USA;