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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2013 Issue 11
Ground states and excitation spectra of baryons in a non-relativistic model with the anharmonic potential
N.Salehi;H.Hassanabadi;A.A.Rajabi;Department of Basic Sciences;Shahrood Branch;Islamic Azad University;Shahrood;Iran;Physics Department;Shahrood University of Technology;P.O.Box 3619995161-316;Shahrood;Iran;
Effects of inhomogeneous magnetic fields and different DzyaloshinskiiMoriya interaction on entanglement and teleportation in a two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ chain
QIN Meng;WANG Xiao;LI Yan-Biao;BAI Zhong;LIN Shang-Jin;College of Sciences;PLA University of Science and Technology;
A Krein quantization approach to Klein paradox
Farrin Payandeh;Toradj Mohammad Pur;Mohsen Fathi;Zahra Gh.Moghaddam;Department of Physics;Payame Noor University;PO BOX 19395-3697 Tehran;Iran;Department of Physics;Payame Noor University;Tabriz;Iran;Department of Physics;Islamic Azad University;Central Tehran Branch;Tehran;Iran;
Approximate solutions of Dirac equation with a ring-shaped Woods-Saxon potential by Nikiforov-Uvarov method
H.Hassanabadi;E.Maghsoodi;S.Zarrinkamar;Department of Basic Sciences;Shahrood Branch;Islamic Azad University;Shahrood;Iran;Department of Basic Sciences;Garmsar Branch;Islamic Azad University;Garmsar;Iran;
Determination of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in the ImQMD model by nuclear reactions at the Fermi energy region
LI Cheng;TIAN Jun-Long;QIN Yu-Jiao;LI Jing-Jing;WANG Ning;Department of Physics;Guangxi Normal University;School of Physics and Electrical Engineering;Anyang Normal University;
Investigation of deformed nuclei with a new potential combination
E.Javadimanesh;H.Hassanabadi;A.A.Rajabi;H.Rahimov;S.Zarrinkamar;Physics Department;Shahrood University of Technology;Computer Engineering Department;Shahrood University of Technology;Shahrood;Department of Basic Sciences;Garmsar Branch;Islamic Azad University;
Performance study of the PTFE-THGEM at room and low temperature
XIE Wen-Qing;LI Yu-Lan;LI Yuan-Jing;YUE Qian;Key Laboratory of Particle & Radiation Imaging;Ministry of Education;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;
Active inductor shunt peaking in high-speed VCSEL driver design
LIANG Fu-Tian;GONG Datao;HOU Suen;LIU Chonghan;LIU Tiankuan;SU Da-Shung;TENG Ping-Kun;XIANG Annie;YE Jingbo;JIN Ge;State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics;University of Science and Technology of China;Southern Methodist University;Dallas TX 75275;U.S.A.;Institute of Physics;Academia Sinica;
A new method of waveform digitization based on time-interleaved A/D conversion
YE Chun-Feng;ZHAO Lei;FENG Chang-Qing;LIU Shu-Bin;AN Qi;State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection & Electronics;University of Science and Technology of China;Anhui Key Laboratory of Physical Electronics;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;705 Research Division of Electronic Engineering Institute;
Monte Carlo studies on the burnup measurement for the high temperature gas cooling reactor
YAN Wei-Hua;ZHANG Li-Guo;ZHANG Yan;ZHANG Zhao;XIAO Zhi-Gang;Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Institute of Nuclear Energy and Technology;Tsinghua University;
Study of Borromean halo nuclei by the neutron wall with simulation
LIU Long-Xiang;SUN Zhi-Yu;YUE Ke;XIAO Guo-Qing;CHEN Xi-Meng;YU Yu-Hong;ZHANG Xue-Heng;WANG Shi-Tao;TANG Shu-Wen;ZHOU Yong;YAN Duo;FANG Fang;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;The School of Nuclear Science and Technology Lanzhou University;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Studies on an S-band bunching system with hybrid buncher
PEI Shi-Lun;XIAO Ou-Zheng;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on collimation and shielding of the back-streaming neutrons at the CSNS target
JING Han-Tao;TANG Jing-Yu;YANG Zheng;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Classical and modern power spectrum estimation for tune measurement in CSNS RCS
YANG Xiao-Yu;XU Tao-Guang;FU Shi-Nian;ZENG Lei;BIAN Xiao-Juan;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Multipacting analysis in micro-pulse electron gun
LIAO Lang;ZHANG Meng;GU Qiang;FANG Wen-Cheng;ZHAO Ming-Hua;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Pulsed sextupole injection for Beijing Advanced Photon Source with ultralow emittance
JIAO Yi;XU Gang;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Charge state distribution analysis of Al and Pb ions from the laser ion source at IMP
SHA Shan;JIN Qian-Yu;LI Zhang-Min;GUO Xiao-Hong;ZHOU Lun-Cai;CAI Guo-Zhu;SUN Liang-Ting;ZHANG Xue-Zhen;ZHAO Huan-Yu;CHEN Xi-Meng;ZHAO Hong-Wei;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Design and test of SX-FEL cavity BPM
YUAN Ren-Xian;ZHOU Wei-Min;CHEN Zhi-Chu;YU Lu-Yang;WANG Bao-Pen;LENG Yong-Bin;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;
Alignment of the photoelectron spectroscopy beamline at NSRL
LI Chao-Yang;PAN Hai-Bin;WEI Shen;PAN Cong-Yuan;AN Ning;DU Xue-Wei;ZHU Jun-Fa;WANG Qiu-Ping;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;University of Science & Technology of China;
FEL polarization control studies on Dalian coherent light source
ZHANG Tong;DENG Hai-Xiao;ZHANG Wei-Qing;WU Guo-Rong;DAI Dong-Xu;WANG Dong;YANG Xue-Ming;ZHAO Zhen-Tang;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics;Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Corrections on energy spectrum and scatterings for fast neutron radiography at NECTAR facility
LIU Shu-Quan;Bcherl Thomas;LI Hang;ZOU Yu-Bin;LU Yuan-Rong;GUO Zhi-Yu;State Key Lab of Nuclear Physics and Technology & School of Physics;Peking University;Technische Universitt Mnchen;ZTWB Radiochemie Mnchen RCM Walther-Meissner-Str.3;Garching 85748;Germany;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics;