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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2012 Issue 7
Luminosity determination for the pd reaction at 2.14 GeV with WASA-at-COSY
ZHENG Chuan1;2;4;5;1) M. Büscher1;2 P. Fedorets3 V. Hejny1;2 H. Stroher1;2 XU Hu-Shan4 YUAN Xiao-Hua1;2;4 1 Institut für Kernphysik; Forschungszentrum Jülich; Jülich 52425; Germany 2 Jülich Center for Hadron Physics; Forschungszentrum Jülich; Jülich 52425; Germany 3 Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics; State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation; Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya 25; Moscow 117218; Russia 4 Institute of Modern Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanchang Rd. 509; Lanzhou 730000; China 5 Institute of Modern Physics; Fudan University; Handan Rd. 220; Shanghai 200433; China
Density measurement through elastic electron scattering with a gaseous target at the Jefferson Lab
ZHANG Yi 1 QIAN Xin 2 HU Bi-Tao 1;1) 1 School of Nuclear Science and Technology; Lanzhou University; Lanzhou 730000; China 2 Kellogg Radiation Laboratory; California Institute of Technology; CA 91125; US
Effects of inelastic (re)scattering processes s→gg and gg→s on strange hadron production in pp collisions at RHIC and LHC energies
LONG Hai-Yan 1 FENG Sheng-Qin1;2;3;1) 1 Dept. of Physics; College of Science; China Three Gorges University; Yichang 443002; China 2 Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics ; Ministry of Education; Wuhan 430079; China 3 School of Physics and Technology; Wuhan University; Wuhan 430072; China
Online data quality monitoring system at BESⅢ
SUN Xiao-Dong 1;2;1) HU Ji-Feng 1;2;2) ZHAO Hai-Sheng 1;2) JI Xiao-Bin 1 WANG Yi-Fang 1 ZHENG Yang-Heng 2 LIU Bei-Jiang 1 1 Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Study of Tyvek reflectivity in water
WANG Ling-Yu 1;2;1) LU Hao-Qi 1 YANG Chang-Gen 1 YU Ze-Yuan 1;2 XU Ji-Lei 1 LIU Jin-Chang 1 GUAN Meng-Yun 1 WANG Zhi-Min 1 WANG Yi-Fang 1 1 Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Performance of MPPC at low temperature
AN Zheng-Hua 1;1) Lü Jun-Guang 1 SHI Feng 1 HU Tao 1 CAI Xiao 1 YU Bo-Xiang 1 FANG Jian 1 XIE Yu-Guang 1 WANG Zhi-Gang1 XUE Zhen1 SUN Xi-Lei 1 Lü QI-Wen 2 ZHANG Ai-Wu 1 NING Fei-Peng 1 ZHOU Li 1 SUN Li-Jun 1 GE Yong-Shuai 1 LIU Ying-Biao1 WU Chong 3 1 Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 2 Shanxi University; Taiyuan 030006; China 3 College of Science; China University of Petroleum; Beijing 102249; China
Development of X-band accelerating structures for high gradients
S. Bini 1;1) V. Chimenti 1 A. Marcelli 1 L. Palumbo 1;2 B. Spataro 1 V. A. Dolgashev 3 S. Tantawi 3 A. D. Yeremian 3 Y. Higashi 4 M. G. Grimaldi 5 L. Romano 5 F. Ruffino 5 R. Parodi 6 1 INFN-LNF; Via E. Fermi 40; 00044 Frascati ; Italy 2 University of Rome Sapienza; Dipartimento di Energetica; Via A. Scarpa 14; 00185 Rome; Italy 3 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; 2575 Sand Hill Road; Menlo Park; CA 94025; USA 4 KEK 1-1 Oho; Tsukuba; Ibaraki 305; Japan 5 University of Catania; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia & MATIS-IMM-CNR; Via S. Sofia 64; 95123 Catania; Italy 6 INFN-Genova; Via Dodecaneso 33; 16146 Genova; Italy
Numerical modeling of a high power terahertz source in Shanghai
DAI Jin-Hua 1;2 DENG Hai-Xiao 1;1) DAI Zhi-Min 1 1 Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 201800; China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Beam dynamics studies on the 100 MeV/100 kW electron linear accelerator for NSC KIPT neutron source
PEI Shi-Lun 1;1) CHI Yun-Long 1 WANG Shu-Hong 1 PEI Guo-Xi 1 ZHOU Zu-Sheng 1 HOU Mi 1 Mykola Ayzatskiy 2 Ivan Karnaukhov 2 Volodymyr Kushnir 2 Viktor Mytrochenko 2 Andrey Zelinsky 2 1 Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 2 Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology; National Science Center; Kharkov 61108; Ukraine
Electric field simulation and measurement of a pulse line ion accelerator
SHEN Xiao-Kang 1;2;1) ZHANG Zi-Min 1;2) CAO Shu-Chun 1 ZHAO Hong-Wei 1 WANG Bo3 SHEN Xiao-Li 3 ZHAO Quan-Tang 1;2) LIU Ming 1 JING Yi 1 1 Institute of Modern Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Lanzhou 730000; China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 3 Department of Electrical Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
Guideline to Authors
Design of a stripline kicker for tune measurement in CSNS RCS
YANG Xiao-Yu XU Tao-Guang FU Shi-Nian LIU Yu-Dong LI Yong ZHAO Ya-Liang Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Measurement and analysis of the 238U(n, 2n) reaction rate in depleted uranium/polyethylene shells
YAN Xiao-Song 1) LIU Rong LU Xin-Xin JIANG Li WEN Zhong-Wei HAN Zi-Jie Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry; China Academy of Engineering Physics; Mianyang 621900; China
A scenario for high accuracy τ mass measurement at BEPC-Ⅱ
M. N. Achasov1 V. E. Blinov1 CAI Xiao2 FU Cheng-Dong2 F. A. Harris3 Q. Liu3 MO Xiao-Hu2 N. Yu. Muchnoi1 I. B. Nikolaev1;1) QIN Qing2 A. G. Shamov1 K. Yu. Todyshev1 WANG Yi-Fang2 ZHANG Jian-Yong2 1 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 11 Lavrentyev; Novosibirsk 630090; Russia 2 Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 3 University of Hawaii; Honolulu; HI 96822; USA
Monte Carlo simulation of glandular dose in a dedicated breast CT system
TANG Xiao 1;2;3;1) ZHAO Wei 1;2;3 WANG Yan-Fang 1;2 SHU Hang 1;2 SUN Cui-Li 1;2 WEI Cun-Feng 1;2 CAO Da-Quan 1;2;3 QUE Jie-Min 1;2 SHI Rong-Jian 1;2 WEI Long 1;2 1 Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Techniques; Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 2 Beijing Engineering Research Center of Radiographic Techniques and Equipment; Beijing 100049; China 3 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Discussions on the stability of diquarks
TANG Liang1) LI Xue-Qian2) School of Physics; Nankai University; Tianjin 300071; China
Direct CP violation in Bs → J/ψP(V)
Lü Gang1;1) LIU Hao1 GUO Xin-Heng2;2) 1 College of Science; Henan University of Technology; Zhengzhou 450001; China 2 College of Nuclear Science and Technology; Beijing Normal University; Beijing 100875; China
Suppressing entanglement sudden death by initial system-environment correlation
YUE Ping1;2 ZHENG Qiang1;1) REN Zhong-Zhou3;2) 1 School of Mathematics and Computer Science; Guizhou Normal University; Guiyang 550001; China 2 School of Basic Science; Guiyang Medicine College; Guiyang 550004; China 3 School of Physics; Nanjing University; Nanjing 210093; China
Determinate joint remote preparation of an arbitrary W-class quantum state
LI Jian1;1) ZHENG Huan-Yang2;2) 1 School of Computer Science; Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications; Beijing 100876; China 2 School of Information and Communication Engineering; Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications; Beijing 100876; China
Rotochemical heating in hybrid stars with modified Urca reactions in operation
WEI Wei1;2;1) CHEN Lei-Lei2 1 College of Science; Huazhong Agricultural University; Wuhan 430070; China 2 College of Physical Science and Technology; Central China Normal University; Wuhan 430079; China