Pion charge form factor and constraints from space-time translations
B.Desplanques 1;1) DONG Yu-Bing 2;3;2) 1 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie;Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1;CNRS/IN2P3;INPG;France 2 Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 3 Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities ;CAS;Beijing 100049;China
Λ■ production in p collis
P.G.Ortega 1) D.R.Entem F.Fernández Grupo de ísica Nuclear and IUFFyM;Universidad de Salamanca;E-37008 Salamanca;Spain
High pt and photon physics with ALICE at LHC
ZHOU Dai-Cui 1;1) WAN Ren-Zhuo 1;2;2) MAO Ya-Xian 1;3 Y.Schutz 4 WANG Meng-Liang 1 MA Ke 1 WANG Ya-Ping 1 YIN Zhong-Bao 1 CAI Xu 1 Y.Kharlov 5 G.Conesa 3 C.Roy 2 1 Institute of Particle Physics;Huazhong Normal University;Key Laboratory of Quark & Lepton Physics ;Wuhan 430079;China 2 Institute Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien;University of Strasbourg;CNRS/IN2P3;Strasbourg 67037;France 3 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie;CNRS/IN2P3;Grenoble 38026;France 4 CERN;Geneva CH-1211;Switzerland 5 Institute for High Energy Physics;Protvino;142281;Russia
Semileptonic bc to cc and bb to bc baryon decays and heavy quark spin symmetry
J.Nieves 1;1) J.M.Flynn 2;2) E.Hernández 3;3) 1 Instituto de Física corpuscular ;Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC;Institutos de Investigación de Paterna;Aptdo.22085;46071;Valencia;Spain 2 School of Physics and Astronomy;University of Southampton;Highfield;Southampton SO17 1BJ;UK 3 Departamento de Física Fundamental e IUFFyM;Universidad de Salamanca;E-37008 Salamanca;Spain
QGP tomography with photon tagged jets in ALICE
MAO Ya-Xian 1;3;1) Yves Schutz 2 ZHOU Dai-Cui 1 Christophe Furget 3 Gustavo Conesa Balbastre 4 1 Institute of Particle Physics;Huazhong Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China 2 CERN;Geneva 23;Switzerland 3 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie;CNRS/IN2P3;Grenoble 38026;France 4 Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati;INFN;Frascati;Italy
Nucleon excitations
Eberhard Klempt 1) Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik der Universitt Bonn Nuβallee 14-16;53115 Bonn;Germany
Nucleon/nuclei polarized structure function,using Jacobi polynomials expansion
A.Mirjalili 1;3;1) M.M.Yazdanpanah 2;3 F.Taghavi-Shahri 3 S.Atashbar Tehrani 3 1 Physics Department;Yazd University;89195-741;Yazd;Iran 2 Physics Department;Kerman Shahid Bahonar University;Kerman;Iran 3 School of Particles and Accelerators;Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences P.O.Box 19395-5531;Tehran;Iran
Hadrons from a hard wall AdS/QCD model
Hyun-Chul Kim 1;1) Youngman Kim 2;2) U.T.Yakhshiev 1;3;3) 1 Department of Physics;Inha University;Incheon 402-751;Korea 2 Asia Pasific Center for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics;Pohang University of Science and Technology;Pohang;Gyeongbuk 790-784;Korea 3 Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics;National University of Uzbekistan;Tashkent-174;Uzbekistan
The Editors: Peng-Nian Shen;Qiang Zhao and Bing-Song Zou
Hard-thermal-loop QED thermodynamics
SU Nan 1;1) Jens O.Andersen 2;2) Michael Strickland 3;1;3) 1 Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies;D-60438 Frankfurt am Main;Germany 2 Department of Physics;Norwegian University of Science and Technology;N-7491 Trondheim;Norway 3 Department of Physics;Gettysburg College;Gettysburg;PA 17325;USA
Low-energy D*+10 scattering and the nature of resonance-like structure Z+(4430)
GONG Ming1;1) CHEN Ying2 MENG Guo-Zhan 1 HE Song 1 LI Gang 2 LIU Chuan 1 LIU Yu-Bin 3 MA Jian-Ping 4 MENG Xiang-Fei 3 NIU Zhi-Yuan 1 SHEN Yan 1 ZHANG Jian-Bo 5 ZHANG Yuan-Jiang 2 1 School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China 2 Institute of High Energy Physics;Academia Sinica;P.O.Box 918;Beijing 100049 China 3 Department of Physics;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China 4 Institute of Theoretical Physics;Academia Sinica;Beijing 100080;China 5 Department of Physics;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China
Electromagnetic processes in a χEFT framework
L.Girlanda 1;2;1) S.Pastore 3;2) R.Schiavilla 3;4;3) M.Viviani 2;4) 1 Department of Physics;University of Pisa;56127 Pisa;Italy 2 INFN-Pisa;56127 Pisa;Italy 3 Department of Physics;Old Dominion University;Norfolk;VA 23529;USA 4 Jefferson Lab;Newport News;VA 23606
Manifestation of intermediate meson loop effects in charmonium decays
ZHANG Yuan-Jiang 1;1) LI Gang 1;3;2) ZHAO Qiang 1;2;3) 1 Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 2 Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 3 Department of Physics;Qufu Normal University;Qufu 273165;China
Gauge invariance and quantization applied to atom and nucleon internal structure
WANG Fan 1;2;1) CHEN Xiang-Song 3;2) Lü Xiao-Fu3 SUN Wei-Min 1;2 T.Goldman 4;3) 1 Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China 2 Joint Institute of Particle Nuclear Physics and Cosmology;Nanjing University and the Purple Mountain Observatory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Nanjing 210093;China 3 Department of Physics;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610064;China 4 Theoretical Division;Los Alamos National Laboratory;Los Alamos;NM 87545;USA
Measurement of PV asymmetry in +p→d+γ and ■+d→n+p
LI Yong-Jiang 1;2 XU Wang 1;1) W.M.Snow 3 CAI Xiao-Lu 1;2 FAN Gong-Tao 1;2 FAN Guang-Wei 1;2 LUO Wen 1;2 PAN Qiang-Yan 1 XU Ben-Ji 1 YANG Li-Feng 1;2 YAN Zhe 1 1 Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China 2 Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China 3 Indiana University;Bloomington;IN 47405;USA
Hadron molecules
Thomas Gutsche 1) Tanja Branz Amand Faessler Ian Woo Lee Valery E.Lyubovitskij Institut für Theoretische Physik;Universitt Tübingen;Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics;Auf der Morgenstelle 14;D–72076 Tübingen;Germany
Molecular and compact four-quark states
A.Valcarce 1;1) J.Vijande 2;2) 1 Departamento de Física Fundamental;Universidad de Salamanca;Salamanca;Spain 2 Departamento de Física Atómica;Molecular y Nuclear;Universidad de Valencia and IFIC ;Valencia;Spain
Hunting η-bound nuclei
H.Machner 1;2;1) 1 Institut für Kernphysik;Forschungszentrum Jülich;52428 Jülich;Germany 2 Fakultt für Physik;Universitt Duisburg-Essen;Lotharstr.1;47048 Duisburg
Scheme-scale ambiguity in analysis of QCD observable
A.Mirjalili 1;2;1) B.A.Kniehl 3 1 Physics Department;Yazd University;P.O.B 89195-741;Yazd;Iran 2 School of Particles and Accelerators;Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences P.O.Box 19395-5531;Tehran;Iran 3 Institute for Theoretical Physics-II;Hamburg University;Luruper Chaussee 149;22761 Hamburg;Germany
Three-body hadronic molecules
K.P.Khemchandani 1;1) A.Martínez Torres 2;2) E.Oset 2;3) 1 Centro de Física Téorica;Departamento de Física;Universidade de Coimbra;P-3004-516 Coimbra;Portugal 2 Departamento de Física Teo′rica and IFIC;Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC;46100 Burjassot ;Spain
Derivation of a 1/r~2 potential term for Q in a potential model
T.Matsuki 1;1) LIU Xiang 2;2) T.Morii 3;3) K.Seo 4;4) 1 Tokyo Kasei University;1-18-1 Kaga;Itabashi;Tokyo 173;JAPAN 2 School of Physical Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China 3 Graduate School of Human Development and Environment;Kobe University;Nada;Kobe 657-8501;JAPAN 4 Gifu City Women’s College;7-1 Ichinichi Ichiba Kitamachi;Gifu 501-0192;JAPAN
Transport coefficients of a massive pion gas
D.Fernández-Fraile 1;1) A.Gómez Nicola 2;2) 1 Institut für Theoretische Physik;Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt;Max-von-Laue-Str.1;60438 Frankfurt am Main;Germany 2 Departamento de Física Teórica II;Universidad Complutense;28040 Madrid;Spain
Oddball Y(4140) as the molecular cousin of Y(3930)
LIU Xiang 1;2;1) 1 School of Physical Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China 2 Research Center for Hadron and CSR Physics;Lanzhou University & Institute of Modern Physics of CAS;Lanzhou 730000;China
Charged particle fluctuation in Au+Au collision
ZHOU You 1;2;1) WU Ke-Jun 1;2 LIU Feng 1;2 1 Institute of Particle Physics;Huazhong Normal University;Wuhan;430079;China 2 Key Laboratory of Quark & Lepton Physics;Ministy of Education;430079;China
Charmed hadrons in nuclear medium
L.Tolos 1;1) D.Gamermann 2 C.Garcia-Recio 3 R.Molina 2 J.Nieves 2 E.Oset 2 A.Ramos 4 1 Theory Group.KVI.University of Groningen;Zernikelaan 25;9747 AA Groningen;The Netherlands 2 Instituto de Física Corpuscular 3 Departamento de Física Atómica;Molecular y Nuclear;Universidad de Granada;E-18071 Granada;Spain 4 Departament d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria;Universitat de Barcelona;Diagonal 647;08028 Barcelona;Spain
Comparing AdS/CFT dipole model to HERA F2 data
L Zhun 1;2 1 Department of Physics;Southeast University;Nanjing;China 2 Departamento de Física y Centro de Estudios Subatómicos;Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María;Casilla 110-V;Valparíso;Chile
K~-p scattering and hyperon excitations in a chiral quark model
ZHONG Xian-Hui1;3;1) ZHAO Qiang 2;3;2) 1 Department of Physics;Hunan Normal University;Changsha 410081;China 2 Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 3 Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Anisotropic flow at RHIC
CHEN Jia-Yun 1;2;1) LIU Feng 1;2;2) 1 Institute of Particle Physics;Huazhong Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China 2 The Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics ;Ministry of Education;Wuhan 430079;China
Quark-diquark model description for double charm baryons
A.Majethiya 1;2;1) B.Patel 3;2) P.C.Vinodkumar 1 1 Department of Physics;Sardar Patel University;Vallabh Vidyanagar 388 120;Gujarat;India 2 Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Center;Behind Old Janpath Hotel;Kalol;Gujarat-382 721 3 LDRP- Institute of Technology and Research;Gandhinagar;Gujarat
Elliptic flow of direct photons in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV
LIU Fu-Ming 1;1) Tetsufumi Hirano 2 Klaus Werner 3 ZHU Yan1 1 Institution of particle physics;Huazhong Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China 2 Department of Physics;The University of Tokyo;113-0033;Japan 3 Laboratoire SUBATECH;University of Nantes - IN2P3/CNRS - Ecole desMines;Nantes;France
Evidence for a new resonance Σ* (1380) with JP=1/2-*
WU Jia-Jun 1;1) S.Dulat 2;3;2) ZOU Bing-Song 1;3;3) 1 Institute of High Energy Physics;CAS;P.O.Box 918;Beijing 100049;China 2 School of Physics Science and Technology;Xinjiang University;Urumqi 830046;China 3 Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;CAS;Beijing 100049;China