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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2000 Issue 3
On the Origin of the Negative Correlation Effect of Colour Reconnection
YU MeiLing;LIU LianShou
Description of Superdeformed Bands in 148Gd in q-deformed Moment of Inertia
FANG XiangZheng;RUAN TuNan
Isospin Effects on Multifragmentation in Reactions of 112Sn+112Sn and 124Sn+124Sn at 40MeV/u
ZHANG FengShou;CHEN LieWen;MING ZhaoYu;ZHU ZhiYuan
Incompressibility of Nuclear Matter in the FST Model
ZHANG LiLiang;SONG HongQiu
Discussion on the Local Equilibrium in Intermediate HIC
ZENG XiangHua;CHEN LieWen;ZHANG FengShou;LUO YiXiao
Low pT Enhancement of Photon Production in 200 A GeV S+Au Collisions
Study of High Spin States in Transitional Nucleus 87Zr
ZHAO GuangYi;LI GuangSheng;WU Xiao Guang;LIU XiangAn;WEN ShuXian;LU JingBin;YUAN GuanJun;YANG ChunXiang
Improved Scheme of the Lattice Hamiltonian in 1+1 Dimensional QCD
JIANG JunQin;LI JieMing
Coordinate Bethe Ansatz for Generalized t-J Model
YUE RuiHong;FAN Heng;CAO JunPeng
Flavor Separation of Quark to Λ-Baryon Fragmentation
MA BoQiang;HUANG XinBing;Jacques Soffer
Study on Mixing of Pseudoscalar Mesons η,η' and Non-(q-q) Meson
FANG Jian;YU Hong;SHEN QiXing
Event Generator for ψ' Decays of VP and PP Modes
YE ShuWei;ZHAO JiaWei;CHEN HongFang;ZHANG ZiPing
Design Study of a Injector of Proton Accelerator 714MHz RFQ
GUO WeiMing;YU QingChang
Systematics of the GDR in the Frame of the Microscopic Vlasov Method
WANG JianSong;SHEN WenQing;MA YuGang;CAI YanHuang;FENG Jun;FANG DeQing;CAI XiangZhou;SU QianMin
Isospin Effect on the Yield of Light Particles and Their Correlations
SU QianMin;MA YuGang;SHEN WenQing;WANG JianSong;CAI XiangZhou;FANG DeQing
Isospin Effects on Multifragmentation of Light Mass System
CHEN Bo;LIU JianYe;ZHANG FengShou;CHEN LieWen;ZHAO Qiang;ZUO Wei