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Chinese Journal of Management
2011 Issue 1
Mechanism and Path of IT-Driven Business Model Innovation
Formation Mechanism of Trans-regional Venture Capital Syndicate Network
WANG Yan;HOU Heyin
Sources of Competitive Advantages of New Venture in Rapid Growth
ZHANG Hong;SUN Yu;LAN Hailin
The Introduction of E-tailing and Its Impact on Payoffs: A Duopoly Model
A Study on Match of Entrepreneurial Alertness with Opportunity
WEI Xiwu;CHEN Demian
An N-Player Advertising Differential Game Model
ZHANG Rong;FU Xianfa
Coordination Between Complex Product Development and Organizational Design
HU Bin;WANG Huanhuan;HU Muhai;NIU Fei
An Effective Tool for Holistically Dealing with Fast Changes in Complex Environment: HeXie Theme
WANG Yagang;XI Youmin;SHANG Yufan;LIU Peng
Study on Two Dimensional Quantitative Recognition Model for Supplier Relationship in Automobile Components
YANG Yuanzhao;YI Shuping;LI Faquan;GAO Qingxuan
Knowledge Management Systematic Framework for High-Tech Virtual Enterprise
GAO Changyuan;HAN Yun;WANG Rong
Transformational Leadership and Employee Voice Behavior: An Examination of the Mediating Mechanisms
WU Longzeng;CAO Kunpeng;CHEN Yuanyi;TANG Guiyao
Factors Influencing Yields of Short-Term Financing Bonds
ZHENG Jiaming;FAN Longzhen