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Journal of Guilin Teachers Colleges
2005 Issue 2
Lcxicon of Homophones of Yining Dialect of Lingui County
Zhou Benliang
zhu chi ren jiang hua
liu cun han
On the Teaching and Learning of Erhu Instrument
GE Jie
Gender Differences in Computer Mediated Communication
Zhang Xiaomei
Study on Teaching of College English Reading
ZHANG Xichun
The Design of EAMIS Based on the Internet
li li fang ; hua rui ; luo wei xian ; ye yi feng
On the Modernization of Management of Archives
Liao Kaiqiang
Art Education of Geography Teaching in Middle Schools
Qin Yuehua
A Study on "The Task" Design in Information Technology Lesson
Jiang Wenrong
The Development of Creative Faculty of Thinking in Primary School
Yang Qiqun;Liu Liangqian
Empirical research of systematic risk:Evidence from Shanghai's stock market
li xiao hua ; huang rong tan
Mathematical Model on the Elimination of Alcohol's Concentration in Blood
zhao yi ; chang chun ; wei hua ren ; zeng ling zuo ; wang min
Mathematical set-based Algorithm for Vertex Coloration
Li Zheng
On Application of Mathematical Intuition to Problem Soluton
Tang Shuizhong
Limit Cycle for a Class of Polynomial System
DONG Jinhua
On Qualified Personnel of College Library
Pan Guifang