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International Journal of Automation and computing
2006 Issue 2
Guidelines for Authors
An Approach to Online Reliability Evaluation and Prediction of Mechanical Transmission Components
Matthias Maisch;Bernd Bertsche;Ralf Hettich
Reliability Improvement of Large Multi-state Series-parallel Systems
Bo(z)ena Kwiatuszewska-Sarnecka
Grey Repairable System Analysis
Renkuan Guo;Charles Ernie Love
An Operating Strategy for High-availability Multi-station Transfer Lines
Clemens Dietl;Uwe K. Rakowsky
Probabilistic Approach to Risk Analysis of Chemical Spills at Sea
Magda Bogalecka;Krzysztof Kolowrocki
Fault-tree Models of Accident Scenarios of RoPax Vessels
Pedro Ant(a)o;C. Guedes Soares
Guest Editorial
Modelling Reliability-adaptive Multi-system Operation
Uwe K. Rakowsky
Quantified Risk Assessment for Plants Producing and Storing Explosives
Ioannis A. Papazoglou;Panagiotis Saravanos;Ieronymos Giakoumatos;Olga N. Aneziris