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World Market Journal
2002 Issue 1
On Quick Talent Seeking
chen huai liang
Brady's Humor
huang yan ; wang xi ruo
Restructuring Corporate Organization
ji sheng jun
xiao zuo cheng ben
li da wei
Change for the Better
London: Highlights Wherever You Go
Euro is here
Foreign Exchange System Changes after WTO Entry
zuo chang
Government at all Levels Needs Change after WTO Entry
chen xue yan
"mang dian " yu mai dian
xia zhi qiong
Chinese Automobile Business Faces Challenge
wang zhen
"da bing ya jing " zhong guo pi ge shi chang
wang zhan hua
Sell with Customers'Wishes
yin fa yue
Lady Fashion in France
jiang xiang long
Feel like flying
zuo ran
Journey to Deutschland
zuo ran
Monster-shaped Toys Gains Popularity Around the World
meng xin
Bite with Your Bluetooth
xu xiao jian
Procelain Product Market Thrives in U.S.A.
ding zuo
China's Stock Market in 2002
wu yi ping
A World Market Journal Survey
Executing Your Dreams
peng yu an
wai shang zai hu tou su you qu chu
zuo nan
de guo zhan lan xi lian tai
li tong
Logistics: A New Business in Service Industry
wang yi
Smaller and More Mobile