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International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management
2008 Issue 4
An Explicit Iteration Algorithm for Structural Reliability and its Realization by MATLAB
YANG Jian-ming;ZHANG Han-ye;FENG Xiu-juan College of Mechanical Engineering;Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology;Baotou 014010;P.R.China
Rapid Sample Product Trial Manufacture Technique for Developing Water Meter New Products
YAO Ling;WANG Kai-tuo;XU Liang Ningbo Water Meter Co.;Ltd.;Ningbo 315041;P.R.China
Professor JIANG Cheng-yu President Northwestern Polytechnical University
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Underwater Compound Structures Containing Honeycomb Interlayer
LIU Zhi-hong;SHENG Mei-ping;WANG Min-qing College of Marine Engineering;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an;Shaanxi 710072;P.R.China
Dynamic Analysis of a Structure Using Taylor Expansion Stochastic Finite Element Method
MO Wen-hui;HUANG Qi-bo College of Mechanical Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;P.R.China
An Experimental Study of a Hypersonic Waverider Vehicle
WU Ding-yi;ZHANG Ying;XIAO Hong School of Power and Energy;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an 710072;P.R.China
Adaptability Study of Intelligent Well Systems in East China Sea Oil Field
HAN Dan-xiu1;LI Xiang-fang1;FU Li-xia2 1 MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering in China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;P.R.China;2 Petroleum Engineering Research Institute;Renqiu 062552;P.R.China
A Study of IVECO Automobile Suspension System by Simulation
SU Xiao-ping1;L Dong-sheng1;ZHENG Dan-dan1;WANG Liang-mo2 1College of Mechanical & Power Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;Nanjing 210009;P.R.China;2 School of Mechanics;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Nanjing 210094;P.R.China
On Error Analysis and Refinement of the Measurement of Plane-to-Plane Perpendicularity
WAN Jun Higher Vocational & Technical College;Shanghai University of Engineering Science;Shanghai 200437;P.R.China
Application of Parametric Design to Mechanical Engineering
HUANG Shu-guang;ZHANG Qi-wei;YU Chong-yi 1China Huadian Engineering Co.;Ltd.;Beijing 100044;P.R.China
An Improved Algorithm for Normal Distribution Structure
DU Jun-min;SUN Ming-fang No.713 Research Institute of CSIC;Zhengzhou 450015;P.R.China
A Study of Learning Strategic Alliances from an Evolutionary Perspective
CAO Yong-huiSchool of Economics & Management;Henan Institute of Science and Technology;Xinxiang 453003;P.R.China