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International Economic Review
2014 Issue 1
Managing the International Environment Challenges:Practice of Investment in Europe
Chen Taotao;Liu Shichang;Gu Lingjun;
Prospects of "Abenomics" and Challenges and Opportunities for China
Li Xiao;Zhang Hu;Ding Yibing;
Trend of Global Trade Rules and China’s Opportunities
Dong Yan;
The TTIP Negotiation and Impact on Global Trade System
Zhou Maorong;
Country-risk Rating Report of Overseas Investment from China (CROIC/IWEP 2013)
Country-risk Rating Research Group of IWEP;CASS;
IMF Quota Reform:Principle and Function Separation
He Zhiren;Pan Yingli;
Prospects for the Global Economy in 2014
chen bo ;
Why Growth in Emerging Economies Is Likely to Fall?
Anders Aslund;
Asian Economics:A Quarter for Thirds
Matthew P.Goodman;
The Latest on the Dollar’s International Currency Status
Jeffrey Frankel;
The LIBOR Scandal:What’s Next?A Possible Way Forward
Vincent Brousseau;Alexandre Chailloux;Alain Durré;
Exiting from Monetary Stimulus:A Better Plan for the Fed
Benn Steil;
Global and Regional Financial Safety Nets:Lessons from Europe and Asia
Changyong Rhee;Lea Sumulong;Shahin Vallée;
China’s Global Financial Ambition:Linking Mini-lateral Frameworks
Takashi Terada;
The High Stakes in Regional Trade Talks
Jaime Zabludovsky Kuper;Sergio Gómez Lora;
Dawn of a New System
Jagdish Bhagwati;