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Optoelectronics Letters
2010 Issue 5
Design and experimental analysis of fiber grating vibration demodulation system based on the 3×3 coupler
TENG Feng-cheng*;DONG Li-ke;DONG Bo;and YANG Gang College of Electric Engineering;Yanshan University;Qinhuangdao 066004;China
A ferroelectric polyvinylidene fluoride-coated porous fiber based surface-plasmon-resonance-like gas sensor in the terahertz region
JING Lei;and YAO Jian-quan2 Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Science and Technology;Ministry of Education;College of Precision Instruments and Optoelectronic Engineering;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
Finite element analysis of in-phase supermode for multicore photonic crystal fibers
JIANG Yuan-yuan1;WEI Yong-tao2;DENG Guo-liang1;HU Tao1;and FENG Guo-ying1** 1. Department of Optoelectronics;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610064;China 2. College of Architecture and Environment;Sichuan University;Chengdu 600065;China
Laser diode frequency stabilization with a fiber ring resonator
DENG Shi-guang**;JIANG Yue-song;LI Zhi-dong;and SANG Feng School of Electronic Information Engineering;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100191;China
Numerical simulation of a bilayer PMN ceramic bimorph deformable mirror
SUN Quan**;and JIANG Zong-fu College of Optoelectric Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
A method based on the average granulometric size of speckle for characterizing the scattering media
LI Zhi-fang;LI Hui**;XIE Wen-ming;and FAN Ling-ling Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Photonic Technology;and Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Science and Technology for Medicine;Ministry of Education;School of Physics and Optoelectronics Technology;Fujian Normal University;Fuzhou 350007;China
A modified aperture-synthesis method for super-resolution by a single digital hologram
FENG Shao-tong**;WANG Yan-hui;NIE Shou-ping;and ZHU Zhu-qing Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Optoelectronic Technology;Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing 210046;China
Parity generator and parity checker in the modified trinary number system using savart plate and spatial light modulator
Amal K Ghosh* Department of Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering;Netaji Subhash Engineering College;Techno City;Garia;Kolkata 700152;India
Improved nonorthogonal decoy state method in quantum key distribution with a parametric down-conversion source
ZHOU Yuan-yuan**;ZHOU Xue-jun;and GAO Jun Electronic Engineering College;Naval University of Engineering;Wuhan 430033;China
Design and implementation of a non-mechanical scanning F-P type laser warning method
SHEN Hong-bin1*;LI Gang1;LIU Bing-qi1;ZHANG Han2;HUA Wen-shen1;and MA Jian1 1. Department of Optics and Electronic Engineering;Mechanical Ordnance Engineering College;Shijiazhuang 050003;China 2. Department of Computer Engineering;Mechanical Ordnance Engineering College;Shijiazhuang 050003;China
Temperature and strain sensing characteristics of the tilted fiber Bragg grating
ZHANG Wei-hua1;2**;YANG Bao-he1;TONG Zheng-rong1;MIAO Yin-ping2;LIU Bo2;and DONG Xiao-yi2 1. School of Electronics Information and Communications Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300191;China 2. Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Science and Technology;Ministry of Education;Institute of Modern Optics;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China
Influence of metal layer on the transmitted spectra of SPRbased optical fiber sensor
YUAN Yin-quan **;GUO Zhen-qiang;and DING Li-yun Key Laboratory of Fiber Optic Sensing Technology and Information Processing;Ministry of Education of China;Wuhan University of Technology;Wuhan 430070;China
Effect of asymmetrical transfer coefficients of a non-polarizing beam splitter on the nonlinear error of the polarization interferometer
ZHAO Chen-guang**;TAN Jiu-bin;and LIU Tao Center of Ultra-Precision Optoelectronic Instrument Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
A reflective semiconductor optical amplifier based all-optical header separator
ZHAO Jun1;2**;SHAO Zong-biao1;and SUN Xiao-han 1 1. Laboratory of Photonics and Optical Communications;Department of Electronics Engineering;Southeast University;Nanjing 210096;China 2. R & D Center;Nanjing Nari-Relays Electric Co.;LTD;Nanjing 211106;China
Information for Contributors
Photonic band gap of the photonic crystals with chiral and negative-index materials
LI Cheng-liang;WANG Tao;and PU Ji-xiong Institute of Optics and Photonics;Huaqiao University;Quanzhou 362021;China
Numerical simulation of absolute photonic band gaps for two-dimensional photonic crystals with the rotational square lattice
LI Xiu-jie1**;YANG Yi-biao1;2;HAN Pei-de1;WANG Shuan-feng2;WANG Yun-cai2;and LIANG Wei1 1. College of Materials Science and Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;Taiyuan 030024;China 2. College of Science;Taiyuan University of Technology;Taiyuan 030024;China
Influence of the zero dispersion wavelength fluctuation on the gain and noise performance in dual-pump fiber parametric amplifiers
LIU Xiao-xia**;XIN Xiang-jun;YUAN Jin-hui;LIU Xi-qing;SANG Xinzhu;and YU Chong-xiu Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Ministry of Education;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China
Oscillating guided modes in a symmetric five-layer slab waveguide with anisotropic-dispersive left-handed material
SHEN Lu-fa1;2**;and WANG Zi-hua3 1. Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310058;China 2. Science College;Huzhou Teachers College;Huzhou 313000;China 3. Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China
Optimal design of a high-speed polymer Mach-Zehnder interferometer electro-optic switch over 260 GHz
ZHENG Chuan-tao;MA Chun-sheng**;YAN Xin;WANG Xian-yin;and ZHANG Da-ming State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;College of Electronic Science and Engineering;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China