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Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
2006 Issue 10
Fabrication of a New Two Dimensional Near Infrared Pincushion Silicon Based Position Sensitive Detector
QI Xun-jun;LIN Bin;CHEN Zhe-po;CAO Xiang-qun;CHEN Yu-qing
Design and Test of Broad-band Antireflection Thin Films Based on Wollaston Prism
HAO Dian-zhong;WU Fu-quan;SONG Lian-ke;MA Li-li;ZHANG Xu;YAN Bin
Experimental Study of Yb3+-doped Fiber Ring Cavity Mode-locked Lasers
ZHOU Xiao-fang;XIANG Wang-hua;GAN Yu;ZHANG Gui-zhong
Design and Modeling of Omni-Directional Vision System of the Automomous Soccer Robot
WANG Yu;WANG Yong;ZU Chun-shan;XU Xin-he
Study on the Temperature Characteristic of Fiber Grating with Second Coating
LI Zhi-zhong;WANG Xin;YANG Hua-yong;SUN Chong-feng;HU Yong-ming
Studies on Launching Efficiency of Graded-index Optical Channel Waveguide
ZHAO Nan;YANG Tian-xin;ZHANG Si-tuo;GUO Chong;LI Shi-chen
Experiments on Side-scattering Properties of the Waveguide Memory
YANG Tao;LIANG Zhong-cheng;CHEN Jia-bi;ZHUANG Song-lin
Distributed Hybrid-fiber Raman Amplifiers Based on Photonic Crystal Fiber and Single-mode Fiber
LIU Yan-ge;SUN Ting-ting;WANG Chao;LI Yan;ZHANG Chun-shu;WANG Zhi;KAI Gui-yun;YUAN Shu-zhong;DONG Xiao-yi
Fabrication and Characterization of 1 550 nm Polarization-Insensitive Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
HUANG Yong-zhen;HU Yong-hong;YU Li-juan;CHEN Qin;TAN Man-qing;MA Xiao-yu
The Optical Analysis of Triplexer
YUAN Hua-wei;LUO Feng-guang;ZHANG Bin;WEI Hui-min
Propagation Properties of Hermite-Cosh-Gaussian Beams in Uniaxially Anisotropic Crystals
TANG Bin;TANG Hui-qin;ZHU Kai-cheng;YANG Hai-yan;WEN Wei
Study of Optical Rotatory Dispersion of K2Cr2O7 in Resonant Region Dissolved in an Organic Solvent
LIU Gui-xiang;TAO Wei-dong;BAI Gui-ru
Influence of Nanosecond Pulse Width on the Contrast of. Dielectric Barrier Discharge Image
WENG Ming;XU Wei-jun;ZHENG Hua
The Fast Fractal Face Image Compression Based on Symmetry and Variance
MA Yan;LI Shun-bao
Simple Self-correlative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Complicated Flow Field
LI Zun-ying;SONG Yi-zhong
Research on Predicting Network Traffic Using Neural Networks
WANG Zhao-xia;SUN Yu-geng;WANG Zhi-yong;HAO Ting-zhu;SUN Xiao-wei;QIN Juan;SHEN Hua-yu
A Novel Iris Recognition Method Based on the Structures and Textures of Irises
YUAN Wei-qi;XU Lu;LIN Zhong-hua
Calibration Method for the Eye-in-hand Relationship of the Robot Vision Based on Large Depth-of-field Portable 3-D Scanner
LI Jian-feng;TANG Qing;ZHU Jian-hua;XU Min;CHEN Li
Gas Temperature Measurement Based on TDLAS
WANG Jian;HUANG Wei;GU Hai-tao;LI Ying;LIU Li-peng;GAO Xiu-min
Application of Asynchronous Sampling in Optical Signal Performance Monitoring
ZHANG Hong-ming;LU Tao;WANG Xin;WANG Hua;YAN Meng;YAO Min-yu
A Novel All Optical Multimedia Transmission System
FU Xiao-mei;YU Jin-long;WANG Wen-rui;DAI Ju-feng;YANG En-ze
Analysis of Performance for DPSK Dispersion Managed Soliton Transmission System
XU Ming;TIAN Jing-jing;JI Jian-hua;YANG Shu-wen
A Dynamic Chromatic Dispersion Compensation Technique in a 40 Gbit/s Optical Fiber Communication System
LI Yan;ZHANG Jin;YU Jin-long;ZHANG Ri-mo;JING Wen-cai;ZHOU Ge;JIA Da-gong
Laser Direct Writing System of Fabricating Binary Optical Elements
WEI Guo-jun;SHAO Jie;ZHOU Xiao-hong;CHEN Lin-sen
Noise and Dynamic Gain Analysis of Re-circular Ali-optical Buffer
LI Ya-jie;WU Chong-qing;LI Yun
Influence of Coupling Agent's Self-Assembly Upon Performance of Polymer Coated FBG Pressure Sensors
ZHOU Hong;QIAO Xue-guang;LUO Jun;WANG Hong-liang;HUO Han-ping
Study on Chromaticity Improvement of White OLED with BCP Hole-blocking Layer
WU Xiao-ming;HUA Yu-lin;WANG Zhao-qi;YIN Shou-gen;DENG Jia-chun;LIU Song;ZHU Fei-jian;WU Kong-wu;NIU Xia
A Research on Sub-field Driving Technology for 5-inch AM-OLED
SHEN Liang;YIN Sheng;ZHANG Fan;CHENG Shuai