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Chemical Research in Chinese Universities
2003 Issue 2
Characterization of Full-Biodegradable Starch-PVA-Polyester Film
RAN Xiang-hai;DENG Peng-yang;ZHUANG Yu-Gang;DONG Li-Song;GAO Ge;ZHAO Chun;LIU Feng-Qi
A Facile Enantioselective Reduction of Acetylferrocene with Chiral Sodium Hydroboro-L-prolinate
ZHANG Jun-long;HAN Jie;WANG Yan-mei;DONG Chun-E;ZHANG Liang-Fu
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of N-(1'-Phenyl-2'-hydroxyethyl)-2,3-naphthylenedicarboximide
WANG Zhan-yue;DU Da-Ming;WU Di;HUA Wen-Ting;JIN Xiang-Lin
Pseudo Peak Phenomena in Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography by Using Ionic Surfactant
CHEN Guan-hua;YANG Geng-liang;TIAN Yi-ling;CHEN Yi
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [(CH3CH2)4N]4[(La12(OH)12MoO29)], A Novel Cluster Compound with a MoO5 Hexahedron Center Surrounded by La-O Octahedron
ZHANG Hong;WANG Xiu-li;Li yang-guang;DUANG Li-ying;LAN Yang;WANG Li;WANG En-bo;HU Chang-wen;HUANG Wei-tong
Synthesis, Electrocatalytic Properties and Crystal Structure of a New Organic-inorganic Hybrid Constructed from Dodecamolybdophosphoric Acid and Benzotriazole
HAN Zheng-bo;WANG Xiu-li;WANG Li;WANG En-bo;LUAN Guo-you;HU Ning-Hai;JIA Heng-qing
Asymmetric Cyclopropanation Catalyzed by a Copper-(Schiff-base)Complex with Double Chiral Centers
JIANG Chang-sheng;LI You-gui;JIANG Chen;WEN Ji-wu;YOU Tian-pa
Catalytic Effect of Cobalt and Iron Complexes Incorporating Bis(2-aldiminoethyl)amine Ligands on Ethylene Oligomerization
WANG Mei;Dai Dong;ZHU Hong-jun;WANG Hui;SUN LI-cheng
A Thermochemical Study on Complex Nickel(Ⅱ) L-α-Histidine
GAO Sheng-li;CHEN San-ping;HU Rong-zu;SHI Qi-zhen
Thermal Behavior of Zn(Thr)SO4·H2O
LI Huan-yong;GUO Peng-jiang;HU Rong-zu;GAO Sheng-li;SHI Qi-zhen
Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Lactic Acid by Dihydroxyditelluratoargentate(Ⅲ) in Alkaline Medium
SHAN Jin-Huan;WANG Li;LIU Bao-sheng;SHEN Shi-Gang;SUN Han-wen;WANG An-Zhou
Phase Transformation Mechanism of Graphite-Turbostratic Graphite in the Course of Mechanical Grinding
GAO Zhong-min;JIN Hong-zheng;LI Xiang-shan;HUA Zhong
Layered Double Hydroxides with Hydrotalcite-type Structure Containing Fe3+, Al3+ and Mg2+
GUO Xiong-hua;LI Shu-ping;HOU Wan-Guo;HAN Shu-hua;HU Ji-fan;LI Dong-qing
Effect of La on Partial Oxidation of Ethanol to Hydrogen over Ni/Fe Catalysts
WANG Wei-ping;WANG Zhi-fei;DING Yan;LU Gong-xuan
Novel Phosphate-sensitive Fluorescent Composite Matrix
XIE Zeng-hong;LIN Xu-cong;CHEN Guo-nan
Theoretical Studies on Electronic Spectrum Property of 2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl) pyridine Via Time-dependence Density Functional Theory Method
DUAN Hong-xia;SU Zhong-min;KAN Yu-He;ZHU Dong-xia;LIAO Yi;WANG Yue
Preparation of Er-Fe Alloy Films in Dimethylsulfoxide by Electrodeposition Method
LI Gao-ren;Tong Ye-Xiang;LIU Guan-kun
Preparation of Anti-cardiac Troponin I Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Characterization with Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor
WEI Jing-yan;LIU Xia;SONG Da-qian;BU Li-sha;HU Xing;MU Ying;ZHANG Han-qi;LUO Gui-min;ZHANG Gui-zhen;DING Jia-Hua;WANG Wei-zhong;JIN Qin-han
A Study on Bioactivity of Corn Peptides with Low Molecular Weight(Ⅰ) --Effect of an Intake of them on Alcohol Metabolism in Rats
XU Li;WU Xiao-xia;FEI Xiao-fang;ZHANG Li-qiang;ZHANG Xue-zhong