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Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities
2003 Issue 5
Preparation and Properties of Chlorosilane-modified Montmorillonites
zhao chun gui ; yang ming shu ; feng meng
Studies on Atactic Poly(methyl-methacrylate) Stereocomplex at Substrate
wang ji jun ; lu yong lai ; shen de yan
Synthesis and Characteristic of a 3-D Inorganic-organic Hybrid Framework Microporous Material Cd(HBTC)(EG)·8(H2O)
fang qian rong ; zhu guang shan ; shi zuo ; xin ming hong ; wu gang ; tian ge ; ye ling ; wang chun lei ; zhang zhen dong ; zuo shi lun
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Hexacapped Keggin-type Molybdovanadoarsenate(H3O)3[AsMo12O40(VO)6]·6H2O
hao na ; li yang guang ; shen en hong ; wang en bo ; lu ying ; duan ying bo
Unusual Afterglow Properties of Tm3+ Doped Yttrium Oxysulfide
lei bing fu ; liu ying liang ; tang gong ben ; ye ze ren ; shi chun shan
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Compound [Cu3(μ10-bta)(μ2-C2O4)(H2O)2]n
li chuan bi ; xu ji qing ; zhang li juan ; sun ying hua ; su chang ; wang tie gang
Synthesis of 30-100 nm Nanoscale Magnetic Polymer Particles in Inverse Microemulsion
deng yong hui ; wang lei ; yang wu li ; fu shou kuan ;elaissari abdelhamid
High Sensitive Carbon Fiber Nanoelectrodes Modified by Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
chen rong sheng ; xiao hua ; huang wei hua ; tong hua ; wang zong li ; cheng jie ke
Studies on Highly Selective Salicylate Electrode Based on New Complexes of Cobalt(Ⅱ) as Neutral Carriers
chai ya qin ; liu yan ; yuan ruo ; xu wen ju ; xu zuo
Synthesis of Nicotinoyl Disubstituted Pseudo-cyclopeptide and Its Coordination Behavior with Cu2+
guo zuo ; wang ; he jia zuo ; xia chi zhong ; cheng jin pei
Determination of Uniconazole in Soil with an Enantioselective Way
li chao yang ; zhang zhi chao ; liu zuo zuo ; zhou qi lin ; gao ru zuo ; wang qin sun
Total Synthesis of Natural Macrocyclic Diterpene(±)-Mayol
li shu hua ; peng li zeng ; zhang tao ; li yu lin
Volumetric Properties of Glycine, L-Alanine and L-Serine in Aqueous Urea Solutions at 298.15 K
shao shuang ; fang wen jun ; lin xiao mei ; lin rui sen
Electrocatalitic Behavior of Nitrophenol Isomers at α-Cyclodextrin Incorporated Carbon Nanotubes-coated Electrode
wang zong hua ; luo guo an ; xiao su fang ; wang ge yun
Immunological Identification with SERS-labeled Immunogold Nanoparticles by Silver Staining
xu shu ping ; wang lian ying ; xu wei qing ; zhao bing ; yuan hang ; ma zuo ; bai yu bai ; fan yu guo
Electrochemical Polymerization of Pyrrole/Thiophene Conducting Copolymer Nanofibrilla Arrays and Characterization
lu mei ; li xiao hong ; guo xin yong ; li hu lin
Studies on the Relationships Among Sound Absorption Coefficient, Temperature and Frequency on Polymer
yu xiao qiang ; meng yan ; li hong tu ; li yao xian ; wang jing zuo ; tang xin yi ; sun jia zuo
Photochemical Reaction Mechanism of 2-Aryltrisilanes
liu cheng you ; zuo xi jie ; gao yu xiang ; tian gui cai
Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2/Carbonized Resin Complex Nanocatalysts
su bi tao ; chang ; zhang li ; chen hui ; su zhi xing
Photoelectrochemical Studies on the Mercurochrome-sensitized TiO2 Nanoporous Electrode
liu zhao yue ; pan kai ; yang min ; wang de jun ; bai yu bai
Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Thionalid-stabilized CdS Nanoparticles
wei fang di ; yu jun sheng
Structure Variation and Phase Relationship of the Hexagonal Perovskite System La2Ca2MnO7-Sm2Ca2MnO7
bie li jian ; li guo bao ; liao fu hui ; lin jian hua
Synthesis of Various Stoichiometry Nano-powder of VO2
he shan ; lin chen ; lei de ming ; zheng chen mou
Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies on Nickel(Ⅱ) Complex of Maleinitriledithiolate and 4,4′-Dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine
peng zheng he ; cai ping ; fang chen zuo ; guo wen yong ; deng ke jian ; zhou yun hong
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterizaton of [CH3NH3][NH3(CH2)6NH3]H3[P2Mo2W16O62]·H2O
liu zong rui ; wang li ; chen bao guo ; xu lin ; wang en bo ; xing yan ; jia heng qing ; lin yong hua
Spectral Retina Technique Used in an IR Oil Content Analyzer
zhou jian guang ; zheng jian ; song qing yu ; yu ai min ; zhang han zuo ; jin qin han ; li bao hua
Preparation and Application of Sol-gel-HBsAb Immunosensor
liang ru ping ; qiu jian ding ; zou xiao yong ; xu jian jun ; cai pei xiang ; mo jin yuan
Application of the Combination of Capillary Electrophoresis with Wavelet Neural Network in the Assisted Clinical Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
xiong jian hui ; zheng yu fang ; zhang pu dun ; shi xian zhe ; yang jun ; zhang yu kui ; xu guo wang
Separation and Structure Determination of a New 19-nor-Spongian Diterpenoid
su jing yu ; lin cui wu ; zeng long mei ; zuo su jun ; feng xiao long ; cai ji wen
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Activity of Sulfated Daidzein
liu qian guang ; zhang zun ting ; xue dong
Structural Characteristic and MHC Restriction of Polypeptide Sequence
lin zhi hua ; wu yu zhang ; wan zuo ; ni bing
Stereoselective Synthesis of cis- and trans-2,5-Disubstituted Tetrahydrofurans
shi hong zuo ; liu hua zhang ;bloch r;mandville g; lin hui
Model Study on the Suspension in Spherical Shell-structure——Numerical Simulation for the Influence of Inner Parameters on the Dielectric Spectroscopy
zhao kong shuang ; zuo tian qiao ; li zi jie ; lei jian ping ; zuo le le
NMR Study on the Micellar Microstructures of Three Anionic Surfactants with Different Molecular Structures in Aqueous Solution
fang xiao zuo ; jin zhi qiang ; mao shi zhen ; wang han hui ; yu jia zuo ; du you ru
Preparation and Characterization of Anode Catalysts PtRu/C for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
zhou wei jiang ; li wen zhen ; zhou zhen hua ; song shu qin ; wei zhao bin ; sun gong quan ;tsiakaras p; xin qin
A Density Functional Study on the Phase Stability and Phase Transitions at High Pressure for TiC Solid
zhang yong fan ; li jun ha ; ding kai ning ; chen wen kai ; zhou li xin
Studies on the Structures and Stabilities of C59H3N Isomers
liang yun xiao ; shang zhen feng ; wang gui chang ; pan yin ming ; zhao xue zhuang
Studies on Microdynamics of the Reaction Between HO2 and Methane with Direct Ab Initio
cui cao xiang ; lv wen cai ; li ze sheng ; sun jia zuo
Theoretical Study of the Structure, Spectra and Nonlinear Second-optical Susceptibility of Ca@C74
cheng hong ; feng ji kang ; ren ai min ; liu jian jun ; zhang gang ; sun jia zuo
Influence of Bombarding Ions Energy on the Content of sp3 C-N Bonds in Carbon Nitride Films
li jun jie ; cao pei jiang ; zheng wei tao ; lv xian yi ; bian hai zuo ; jin zeng sun
Particle Size Effect on the Filming Process of Polystyrene Latex
qu xiao zhong ; shi ; chen liu sheng ; jin zuo gao
A New Method for Fabrication of Three-dimensional Polymer Micropatterning——Microtransfer Molding
wang zhe ; xing ru bo ; han yan chun ; li bin yao