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Journal of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering
2016 Issue 3
Study on the Microstructure of Carbonization Zone and Non-carbonized Zone of Concrete
LI Zhao-heng;,YANG Yong-min;,CAI Jie-long;,ZHANG Jun-lu;,CHEN Xiao-wen;
Effect of Protection Material on the Carbonizational Microstructure of Concrete Surface
CAI Jie-long;,YANG Yong-min;,PAN Zhi-quan;,ZHANG Jun-lu;
Riverside Landscape Planning Based on LID
WANG Zhen;,HUANG Guang-ling;,LI Ya-qun;
Seismic Performance Assessment of 2000kV DC Voltage Generator Based on ANSYS Model
WANG Shao-hua;,SUN Hong-yan;
Design and Development of Security Risk Analysis System for Power Communication Network
CAI Yao-guang;,YU Yong;,QIU Yi-lin;,FANG Mei-ming;,HU Guang-xiong;
The Exploration and Practice of "Dual Role & Joint Training" Talent Cultivation Mode
LI Guo-xiao;,YE He-ping;,ZHENG Yong-you;,ZHU Xun-de;,YE De-yun;
On Language Features of FIDIC Conditions in ICB Documents
LU Si-da;
Analysis of English Proverb Memes
KE Dong-ling;