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Journal of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering
2015 Issue 3
Preliminary Study on the Pollution of Rainwater in the Initial Stage of Shijing river Basin in Guangzhou
ZHAO De-jun;,TAN Chao;,PENG Xiao-chun;,ZHENG Hang-wei;,LIU Da;
The Analysis on Investment Project Resettlement Mode for Meizhou Pumped Storage Power Station
YAN Cheng-ming;,ZHONG Wei-cai;,GUO Lang-fei;,LI Shuang-sheng;
Study on the Small River Regulation Practice
OU Hui-lin;
Study of Engineering Settlement of Power Grid EPC Project
Research on the Third Party Evaluation Mechanism Based on the Modern Apprenticeship
LI Chuan-wei;,WANG Yan-ni;,DONG Hai-ping;,LIU Peng;
Practice of Enterprise Management Personnel Training Mode in Higher Vocational Education
ZHOU Jin-tian;,SU Gui-wen;,LV Xiao-mei;