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Journal of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering
2008 Issue 4
Implementation Process of Information Management Systems
ZHOU Qin-xing;LU Wen-xian
Analysis of the Effects of PPPoE on Network
KUANG Yong-heng
Study on Electric Load Forecasting Method Based on Grey System Theory
LI Wei-li;CHEN Zhang-bao;TANG Li
Convergence and Generalization Proof of ANN Integration
HUANG Hong-mei;LUO Bing
Research of Pumping Concrete C60
HUANG Hong-wan;WEI Jia-yang
Safety Monitoring Analysis of the Right Bank High Slope of Jingping Level One Hydro-power Station of Yalongjiang River
SI Qing-hua;YAN Ming;ZHONG Lin-jun;CHEN Yum-in;SUN Yu
Hedges in English Classes
FANG Xiao-xiang
Methods and Effects of Government Tender and Purchase on Our College
SUN Li-wen;CHEN Jia-ying
Work and Study Mode in Specialty Building of Building Equipment in Vocational College
ZHUANG Zhong-xia;QIU Han-qi;YIN Liu-yu