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Journal of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering
2008 Issue 3
gao yue
jian xun
qi ta
Research on Quality Control of Civic Drainage Pipe Project
NI Qiong-fang
Functions Evolution Analysis of Shangtang River in Hangzhou
CAI Guo-qian
Issue and Notion of the Pearl River Delta's Bank
LIANG Hai-tao;HUANG Jian-wei;HUANG Zhao-wei
Discussion on the Electric Power Market-oriented Reform
LIA Li-ping
Thought on Competency-based English Teaching with Focus on the Sense of Efficiency
ZHONG Run-ping;SUN Jian-qiang
Thoughts on ESP Teaching in Civil Engineering
Discussion on the Construction of Sports Culture on College Campus
TAN Jie;SU Fei-he;YANG Jin
Relationship Between Teaching and Research in Colleges and Universities
WANG Jun-li;ZENG Zhi-jun