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Journal of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering
2007 Issue 1
jian xun
Duckbill Check Valve and Its Application
ZHOU Yong-song
Application of Argonaut SL to the Hydrometer of Flow Section in a Certain Tunnel
YE He-xin;ZHONG Wei-qiang;ZHANG De-you;DONG Hai-zhou
QFII Policies and China's Future Market Development
WU Que-Hua;YUAN Yi-mei
Wireless Correspondence Protocol Project Design Based on Socket
HUANG Hao-jing
Exploring the Art of Language Applied in P.E Teaching
YE Xiao-bi
Pro Rata Adjustment of Z-Bus Loss Allocation
JIANG Gong-lian;HUANG Yan-quan;LI Yun-fei;CHENG Tao
Study on Typical Control System of HVDC
LIU Qiang
Discussion on CSC2000 Substation Automation System Remote Host
CHEN Hui-cheng;WEI Yong-jun
Rounding-off of the Operation Result of Measurement
WU Guo-yong
Discussion on Current Situation and Future of the Local Interior Design
CHEN Bing-yan;SONG Jin-jun;HU Jian-ping
Cultivation of College Students' Sense of Justice
YAN Fang
Discussion on Improving the Teaching Quality in Adult Education
TAO Shui-lian;XIONG Wei-jun