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Journal of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering
2003 Issue 2
EWB System Employed in Electronics and Circuit Teaching
CHEN De-zhang
The New Trend in the Future--Computerized Buildings
ZHANG Hua-lin
On the Design Supervision in Project Construction
YE Ming
The Point to Point Method for Calculating the Three Short Circuit Current in the low Voltage Network
LUO Yi-dong;ZHENG Cheng-yao;ZHENG Zheng-ke;LIU Qiao-lian;HUANG Yan-ru
How to Insert the AutoCAD Graphics in Word
WU Wei-tao
Plane bar Structure Analysis Program Based on Windows
XIA Jian-ming
On Improving Moral Education
HUANG Shu-fen
Comparative Study of Vocational Education at Domestic and Foreign
LI Jin-mei;ZHOU Bao-luan