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Teacher Education Research
2009 Issue 1
Reflection on Tendency to Pendulum in Current Teacher Education of Our Country
LONG Bao-xin(School of Education Science;Shanxi Normal University;Xi’an;Shanxi;710062;China)
Comparison and Choice of the Setting System of Teacher Specialty Teaching-institution
LIU Xu(Office of Social Sciences;Hunan Normal University;Changsha;Hunan;410081;China)
On Teacher's Time in the Context of Educational Reform
DING Dao-yong (School of Education;Hong Kong Chinese University;Hong Kong;HTB106;China)
The Boundary of the Professional Ethical Code for Teachers
FENG Wan-zhen(Department of Education;Beijng Normal University;Beijing 100875;China)
Teachers as the Subjects in the Practice of Changing Moral Education System:Present Conditions and Ideal Status
SHEN Ming(Department of Political Theory Instruction;Hunan Institute of Humanities;Science and Technology;Loudi;Hunan;417000;China)
Teacher's Taking an Oath:A Professional Promise
HE Shan-liang (Institute of Curriculum and Instruction;Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing;Jiangsu;210097;China)
Democracy and Pedagogies:A New Perspective on Teacher's Professional Development
KANG Yong-jiu(School of Education;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;China)
Qualitative Analysis of Kindergarten Teachers' Beliefs on Children's Leaning
GAO Xiao-yi1;PANG Li-juan2(1.Institute of Capital Basic Education;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;China;2.School of Education;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;China)
Study on Teachers' Professional Growth of Newly-built Local Colleges
SHENG Zheng-fa(School of Education Science;Hunan Normal University;Changsha;Hunan;410081;China)
Go Out of the Misunderstanding to Teacher Cooperation
WU Xiao-yi(Institute of Chizhou;Chizhou;Anhui;247100;China)
Deviation from Life:A Perspective on Modern Teachers' Survival State
ZHANG Pei(School of Education Science;Northeast Normal University;Changchun;Jilin;130024;China)
Risk Society and the Crisis of Teacher's Self-identity
CHU Jiang-ting (School of Educational Administration;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;China)
A Survey on the Participation and Needs of Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Professional Development
ZHAO Ming-ren;ZHOU Jun;ZHU Xu-dong(Center of Teacher Education Research;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;China)
Qualitative Analysis of Kindergarten Teachers\' Beliefs on Children\'s Leaning
GAO Xiao-yi;PANG Li-juan
Go Out of the Misunderstanding to Teacher Cooperation
WU Xiao-yi
Risk Society and the Crisis of Teacher\'s Self-identity
CHU Jiang-ting
The Strengthening of Teachers' Bilingual-training in Minority Areas——An Investigation on Bilingual-teaching and Teachers' Bilingual-training in Tibetan and Uigur Populated Areas
LUO Ling1;JIANG Wei2(1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Southwest University;Chongqing;400715;2.Center of University Teacher Training;Southwest University;Chongqing;400715;China)
Factors of Effecting on the Change of Teacher Education Model:Learning from the Experience of Western World
HU Yan(Center of Teacher Education Research;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;China)
Experience and Inspiration of American Alternative Teacher Certification System
LI Ying;JIN Lin-xiang(Department of Education;East China Normal University;Shanghai;200062;China)
On Teacher\'s Time in the Context of Educational Reform
DING Dao-yong
The Boundary of the Professional Ethical Code for Teachers
FENG Wan-zhen
Teacher\'s Taking an Oath: A Professional Promise
HE Shan-liang