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Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
2014 Issue 3
MS-Algebras with Double Demi-Pseudocomplementation
SHI Chun-jin;Guangdong Polytechnic Norma l University;
san lei si ci fen shi han shu de die dai shi
chen yan yan ; deng zhou heng ; wu kang ;
The Wiener indices of Noncaterpillar
ZHANG Bing;Department of Elwctronic Information Engineering;Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Using MATLAB to Realize the Automatic Control System with Frequency Domain Method
ZHANG Wen;CHEN Jiang-ping;YUAN Xin-di;WANG Xin-quan;School of Physics and Electronic Information;Gannan Normal University;
A Research of Community Endowment Management System Based on Internet of Things Technology
MIAO Su-zhen;PENG Ping;School of Computer Science of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Design of Digital Counting Light Plate Based for Bagged Products
WU Wen-tong;Jinggangshan University;
The Relation Test of Foreign Exchange Reserves and GDP
YAO Xue-Song;WANG Zhi-yong;LUO Yun;College of Tianhe Guangdong Polytechnic Normal Universityy;
android ping tai zhong aidl yu yan de yan jiu yu fen xi
hu an ming ;
Application Research of Private cloud in the teaching resources platform construction
WANG Xin-peng;JIA Guo-fang;computer network center Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
The Error Analysis of Automatic Sample Injector
LIU Zhig-ang;WANG Liang-chen;TianHe College of GuangDong Polytehnic Normal University;Gi’an branch jiangxi province Port and waterway administration;
Research on Efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks Based on Factor Analysis-DEA Method
TAN Yan-Xian;LING Jun;School of Management;Guangdong University of technology;
Application of Excel VBA in Virtual Simulation of Building Environment
WU Yin-bo;CHEN Jian;Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Thermal Infrared Three-dimensional Modeling Method Based on the Fusion of LIDAR Point Cloud and Ground Infrared Video Information
LUO Zhi-bin;ZHANG Yan-feng;CAO Ning;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping;
On the Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Exhaust Gas Recirculation System of Accord Car
TAN Tao;Tianhe College of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Research on Sentiment Analysis Method of Chinese Microblogging
WA NG Yin;WU Xin-ling;Institute of Computer Sciences;Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
A Novel Scheme for Camera-based Vision Positioning of Robots
HUANG Jin-tian;CUI Huai-lin;Guangdong polytechnic normal university;
The Exploration on Improving the Competitive Power of Polytechnic Institute Library
ZHOU Xue-hong;Library of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Investigate the Photo Archives of University Photography
CHEN Jing;Archives of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Explore for cultivate the modeling ability in the teaching of discrete mathematics
WANG Zhi-wei;College of computer;Naning Univeersity of posts and telecommunications;
Discussion Cultivate High-quality Applied Management Personnel in Independent College
LIU Shan-hua;WANG Ling-xiao;Tianhe College of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Reform Practice on Production, Learning and Research Activities based on Practice and Research for Engineering University
LI Zhi-sheng;LI Bin;GUO Chu;School Civil and Transportation Engineering;Guangdong University of Technology;
The Construction of the Higher Education Learning Resource Oriented in Ubiquitous Learning Environment
CHEN Zhi-hua;Computer&Network Center Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
The Research on Self-efficacy of College Students in Coastal Areas
ZENG Ben-jun;Tianhe College Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
tan xi pei yang da xue sheng jiu ye neng li de ce lue
liu yang ; chen yue qiu ;
The Practical Sudy of Innovating the Education and Training Strategy on University Student Party Members
LIU Wen-wei;School of Life Science and Biopharmacology;Guangdong Pharmaceutical University;
min ban gao xiao shi zi dui wu jian she yan jiu
huang shui guang ;
Investigation and Analysis Based on SWOT on Information Literacy of Polytechnic Colleges Teachers in Guangdong
CHEN Ya-jing;Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University;
Analysis on Offense Ability of the Chinese Man Basketball Team in the 27th Asian Championship
LIANG Guo-li;LIU Ci-qin;LI Hui-hui;Guangdong polytechnic vocational college;College of Physical Education;Hunan Normal University;
ben kan sheng ming